Fly with Tok Air Ser­vice into…. This can make it hard to get into the heart of this park. Build­ing them was a big job. The trail is an ATV route, and as such there are some mud­dy areas where you may be required to walk off the trail. The most intimate multi-day cruise option. Each evening there is a guided walk and an evening program conducted by a park ranger at the nearby Copper River Princess Wilderness Lodge. Curve around the point and con­tin­ue on to Erie Lake and the Stair­way Ice­fall, which is a 7,000 ft vertical… The Gilahi­na Tres­tle is visu­al con­fir­ma­tion of the size of job it was, stand­ing 80 – 90 feet high and 880 feet across. Both day trips are four hours. Try for kings, sock­eye, trout or Arctic…. That find, and his sub­se­quent devel­op­ment of the mine, led to the con­struc­tion of Nabesna Road. If they did­n’t blow the rest down in McCarthy, they would have Kennecott Visitor Center Alaska Railroad: Adventure Class or Goldstar Dome Car Service? This is a great way to expe­ri­ence the glac­i­er with­out the traf­fic of hik­ers and tourists that pass through dur­ing the day. Custom tours … It’s held up pret­ty well over the decades — it had to be rehabbed in 1998 to replace some rot­ting logs, but it still func­tions as… Copper Oar Rafting. ...more, Walk­ing down the main street of Ken­necott, you can’t miss the Nation­al Park Ser­vice vis­i­tor cen­ter on the left, housed in the his­toric gen­er­al store and post office.Stop in and learn about the his­to­ry: The sto­ry goes that when the last train left Ken­ni­cott in 1938, peo­ple had to sud­den­ly aban­don their lives with only a few hours of warn­ing. Guide services are still going to be running with guided glacier hikes, tours of Kennicott Mill complex, Ice Climbing, Rafting tours and flight seeing tours. Look for a wood­en sign across the street point­ing the way. PO Box 439 There’s also a bearproof food stor­age box, since this is def­i­nite­ly bear coun­try. Sign-up Now; Already a member? Look­ing for a mel­low 3- to 4‑hour walk and a nice spot to relax with a book or a jour­nal? The begin­ning of the trail goes through the val­ley bot­tom with low tun­dra veg­e­ta­tion. In ear­ly sum­mer, this is the place to be for birdwatching. Interpretive programs are offered mid May - mid September. The protected areas are included in an International Biosphere Reserve and are part of the Kluane/Wrangell–St. Estab­lished in 1903, Ken­necott Min­ing Cor­po­ra­tion oper­at­ed 5 mines in the area. It’s tricky ter­rain and not to be tak­en light­ly. You can also take advan­tage of the option to cus­tomize your trip. From the trail­head, the trail leads up an allu­vial fan, through white spruce for­est and alder for approx­i­mate­ly 0.8 mile. Wrangell Mountain Air flies visitors of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park on flightsees over glaciers, peaks, and varied terrain providing an unforgettable Alaska experience. Sitting on my 70 pound pack, roped to my teammates with snowshoes inhibiting me from removing my harness (forcing me to hold my pee all day), I just wanted a snack. Since 1992, Wrangell Moun­tain Air has been offer­ing safe and fas­ci­nat­ing tours of this remote king­dom, which boasts North Amer­i­ca’s largest assem­blage of glac­i­ers as well as its largest col­lec­tion of peaks above 16,000 feet. McCarthy River Tours & Outfitters - Day Tours. Log-in; Rezgo It also pro­vid­ed trading… Duration: 4-6 hours. It’s a great start­ing point, whether you have only a few hours or are plan­ning a mul­ti-day glac­i­er and moun­tain adven­ture. If you want to get a true sense of the 13 mil­lion acres with­in Wrangell-St. Elias Nation­al Park — which has a mere 100 miles of road­ways — start with an aer­i­al view. Wrangell St. Elias National Park is backpacking and hiking paradise. Talk about an authen­tic pio­neer town. St. Elias Alpine Guides have a long his­to­ry of shar­ing the wilder­ness with trav­el­ers — whether the activ­i­ty involves hik­ing a glac­i­er, back­pack­ing, raft­ing, ski­ing, or even doing some extreme moun­taineer­ing — there’s some­thing for every­one! A small pull­out in the left pro­vides access to a trail to Strel­na Lake. Their trails took them to prime moun­tain sheep coun­try, as well as to some of their favorite spots for har­vest­ing cop­per. Guided walks and interpretive talks are offered throughout the day.  ...more, The dis­cov­ery of gold at Jacksi­na Creek in 1899 was an excit­ing find for prospec­tor K.J. The Cor­do­va Cham­ber of Com­merce built this road back in 1914 to pro­mote access into the gold-rich inte­ri­or of Alas­ka. Scheduled flights occur between McCarthy and Chitina three-times, daily. Occa­sion­al­ly on Fri­days and Sat­ur­days there’s a band play­ing after 8:30 p.m. Be on the look­out for spe­cial events that are free and open to the public. Land on a remote glac­i­er, see dra­mat­ic moun­tains up close, and watch for griz­zlies, sheep, moose and caribou. Visit September to April to see the Northern Lights, Best Northern Lights Viewing Spots Near Anchorage, How to Travel to Alaska in January and February, The Best Large Family & Group Vacations in Alaska, How to Get from Anchorage to Your Cruise Port in Whittier or Seward (or the reverse!). Guided walks and interpretive talks are offered throughout the day. Peo­ple trav­el from all over the world for a back­pack­ing trip with­in Wrangell St. Elias Nation­al Park & Pre­serve. St. Elias Alpine Guides Wrangell St. Elias National Park Motherlode Powerhouse Box MXY #10 McCarthy, AK 99588. Which one is right for you? You need to hike onto the Root Glac­i­er, cross over the mon­ster rock moraine to your left, cross anoth­er tongue of ice on the Root Glac­i­er, then cross yet anoth­er mon­ster rock moraine between the Root and the Ken­ni­cott glac­i­ers. 2-5 day small ship explorations. Scenic, white­wa­ter, or mul­ti-day raft­ing trips from Cop­per Cen­ter, sit­u­at­ed on the edge of Wrangell St. Elias Nation­al Park. The trail begins at the Skookum Vol­cano trail­head (Mile 36.8 Nabesna Road) and fol­lows until the pass (see SkookumVol­cano trail descrip­tion­for more infor­ma­tion). One com­mon mis­con­cep­tion is that the more expen­sive the bush-plane flight, the more impres­sive the scenery and ter­rain. This route begins at the Park Ser­vice and Infor­ma­tion Sta­tion. The trail sur­face is gravel/​cobble and dry. By 1938, Ken­necott was a ghost town. Overwhelmed by choices? It is not recommended to drive to Kennicott as it is a poorly maintained road, flat …  ...more.  ...more, This hike takes you up the his­tor­i­cal wag­on road to the top of the moun­tain, where you’ll find the ruins of mine build­ings. Slana Ranger Station Wrangell-St. Elias Tours, McCarthy: See 4 reviews, articles, and 5 photos of Wrangell-St. Elias Tours on Tripadvisor. Season: May 15 to Sep 15 $95+ per person 4 hrs. Use our calculator to find out, Stay casual, dress in layers, and get proper footwear, Guides to the best locations around the state to view wildlife. You can’t escape the town’s his­tor­i­cal dynam­ic, and this muse­um is the best place to get the inside scoop on its past, includ­ing the cop­per rush that hap­pened between 1900 and 1938.  ...more, This trail requires a lot of bushwack­ing, but has beau­ti­ful views. When fac­ing down the sec­ond moraine, you’ll want to hit the low point that’s close to where the black mud… We'll match you with a local itinerary expert to help you plan your trip. the operator champion ™ since 2007. Wrangell Mountains Center, located in McCarthy, provides residential and walk-in experiential education programs that foster discovery through direct contact with diverse environments. Tours of the Kennecott Mill Please check your email to verify your subscription.  ...more. Boutique, small ship adventure cruises in Alaska's Inside Passage, Cruises depart from Whittier, a 1 hr drive from Anchorage. Take of with Wrangell Moun­tain Air from McCarthy to get a true sense of the 13 mil­lion gor­geous acres….  ...more. The Alaska, Chugach and Wrangell-Saint Elias ranges converge in what is referred to as the "mountain kingdom of North America." From here, descend over the top of the moraine, care­ful­ly mak­ing your way down the rocky slope. Denali Explorer – Tour L (2019) Wrangell-St.Elias – Tour M (2019) Wrangell-St.Elias – Tour N (2019) Kenai Peninsula – Tour O (2019) Connoisseur – Tour P (2019) Connoisseur – Tour Q (2019) Connoisseur - Tour R (2019) Connoisseur – Tour S (2019) Connoisseur – Tour T; Heart of the Rockies - Tour 1; Asia. Since the McCarthy airstrip and the 60-mile dirt road to the airstrip are in the… Discover the optimal month due to daylight, temperature, and rain. To get a lit­tle fur­ther away from civ­i­liza­tion, you can also camp at the end of the Root Glac­i­er trail, about 4 miles from Ken­necott. At mile 14.5 McCarthy Road, turn left on the access road and fol­low it 2.5 miles to Nugget Creek and Dix­ie Pass trail­heads. High-Coun­try Scram­ble with Awe­some Views. The Wag­on Trail cuts off the main road just to the right of the St. Elias Guides office. See more tours for groups in Wrangell-St Elias National Park and Preserve on Tripadvisor. Car, train, or group tour. There are 85+ miles of bridges and tres­tles with­in the 196 miles of rail between Cor­do­va and Ken­ni­cott. The classic Alaska Cruise, offered by such companies as Holland America, Princess, and Royal Caribbean. Lib­er­ty creek is acces­si­ble via Lib­er­ty Creek Camp­ground. Download the Nabesna Road Audio Tour (mp3 format, 147MB) Fjeld, but it proved…, The dis­cov­ery of gold at Jacksi­na Creek in 1899 was an excit­ing find for prospec­tor K.J. We believe that Wrangell-St. Elias offers the best scenery in all of Alaska and combined with reasonable rates … Com­ing around the cor­ner after mile­post 28, you can’t help but notice the Gilahi­na Tres­tle. Then unpack the raft and put in the water. This trail fol­lows an old road along the Cop­per Riv­er and has excel­lent views of the glac­i­er along the way. Trips available from Whittier, Homer, Seward, Juneau, and Sitka. Camp­grounds are on either side of the creek in a sur­re­al setting. Tru­ly expe­ri­ence the Alaskan wilder­ness by back­pack­ing through it. The muse­um build­ing itself is a piece of his­to­ry, hav­ing once been the railw¬ay depot. Since the Cop­per Riv­er Basin is a lit­tle more remote than oth­er areas, you’ll be able to tru­ly appre­ci­ate the wilder­ness as you enjoy a relax­ing day on the water.  ...more, Before 1997, the only way to cross the Ken­ni­cott River. The best one-day tour to McCarthy, AK in the center of Alaska's Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. Wrangell – St Elias can be accessed by road or air. The oth­er takes it up a notch by float­ing down­riv­er through class 2 and 3 rapids after a brief pad­dle around the lake. The build­ings were ini­tial­ly built on a rock glac­i­er, in which loose rock accu­mu­lates and is lubri­cat­ed by frozen water, then moved by grav­i­ty. Sur­Rounds you shar­ing the wilder­ness with oth­ers— hik­ing a glac­i­er, see dra­mat­ic moun­tains up close, and programs... 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