Don’t just say that you like the … Job Interview Tips for High School Students, Why Hiring Managers Aren’t Responding to You After Job Interviews. Specific interest in a firefighting career, Indication the candidate values loyalty, teamwork, and service, Relevant experience, both paid and unpaid, A pattern of activities that demonstrate commitment to public service, Level of interest in fire prevention and public education, Creativity and innovative problem-solving, An indication that the candidate has thought about how to manage a non-traditional work schedule, Confidence that the candidate is prepared for the stress of working many consecutive hours, Thoughtful reflection on challenges facing firefighters, Understanding of critical issues in the field, A solutions-oriented approach to problem-solving, Interest in events that impact the firefighting profession, Positive language indicating an openness to change, An awareness of developments in the field, An understanding that in an emergency, trusting direction from leadership is critical to everyone's safety, Unwillingness to participate in illegal or unethical activities. If some experience with firefighters or some article or story inspired you, relate it briefly. Now that you have seen a few reasons you can begin the exercise of self-evaluation to determine if you have what it takes. To resolve this problem, we worked together to devise an alternate plan, which included a Q&A period and a fireground simulation. What to look for in an answer: "When we are in the middle of battling a fire, I understand that my safety depends on following orders, and the team captain is in charge of the situation. Are you qualified? A good firefighter possesses many valuable traits, including dedication, cooperation, flexibility, physical fitness, integrity and problem-solving skills. State specific strategies you would use to take action. Keep in mind that who YOU ARE is as important as whom we expect YOU to be. 3. Give your honest reasons. Use this question to learn how the candidate became interested in a career in firefighting. It may not be as straight forward as this, but this will be information the panel will want to know. The good answer: In my last role as a Public Safety Coordinator, I worked with 8 team members to design an interactive Safety Training Obstacle Course to illustrate safety strategies to visiting high school students. When you decided that you wanted to be a company officer, you announced that you were capable of providing safe guidance for the firefighters entrusted to your company. Latest Articles. How long do you want to work as a firefighter? I mentioned it to three other parents at a recent school event, and none of them were aware that all they have to do is come by the station to participate. (And if you don't? From a candidate: I have thought long and hard about the answer to “why do you want to be a firefighter”. We have compiled tips that will help you ace your firefighter interview, including what to wear, what employers are seeking, and the types of questions you should be prepared to answer. If you have reached this stage of the selection process then the Fire Service are interested in employing you and they want to meet you face to face in order to see what you are like as a person, and also whether you really do have the skills required to become a firefighter. While it is best to keep it professional, it is also okay to let your personality shine through when answering this question. Highlight the opportunities you are excited about having by taking on a new role. How to answer: Why do you want to be a firefighter? What to look for in an answer: "From what I have seen in the news, budgets for fire services keep getting cut. I’ve had way too many jobs that were just corporate ladder climbers and backstabbers. Common interview questions and answers for firefighters 1. Any well-thought-out response shows an interest in the field and an understanding of the challenges that firefighters face. My biggest desire to be a firefighter is because I love the way the department functions first as a family, then as a job. Any personal story for why you care about a topic or are fascinated by a topic will make a good answer for why you chose this job you’re interviewing for. Fire Captain Interview Tips. What would you consider your greatest failure? There are a variety of issues that a candidate might name when answering this question, and there is no single right answer. Firefighters are often faced with tough decisions and a sturdy personal code of ethics will ensure that they make decisions based on the good of the community instead of their own personal interests. What to look for in an answer: "One of our community outreach programs offers free smoke detectors. Understanding whether the job seeker has invested time and effort in any of these programs demonstrates the candidate's level of commitment to this career path. How often do you call out sick? Answer: saving human life is the primary goal. 2. I am also thrilled about improving processes that impact people and working alongside this team of firefighters who are equally devoted to this. Bad answer: "I like firefighting. I'm having a tough time putting it into words. What the hiring manager really wants to know is why you’re the right person for this job and why they should choose you over someone else. Please note that we are not your career or legal advisor, and none of the information provided herein guarantees a job offer. Here are 5 questions that you may be asked during your interview and (good) answers for each one. Call (877) 252-1062 (6am - 6pm PST) or Contact Us. This question explores the candidate's interest in the future of the profession, and it gives insight into the job seeker's willingness to adapt as necessary. I believe that when people feel safe in their communities, they are more inclined to be kind to one another – I am excited about the idea of being a part of that! 1:: Why do you want to work in firefighting department? What to look for in an answer: "Before I completed my application, I discussed the irregular schedule with my spouse. Interviewers love this question! Your response lays the foundation for the rest of the interview, so be sure to provide an answer that is concise and specific. I would like to promote the program at public events so that more of our city's residents take advantage.". However, if a person in authority directed me to do something illegal, I wouldn't obey that order.". The good answer: I am a recent graduate who has always had a passion for public safety. What is the job of a firefighter? In the field, following orders can mean the difference between life and death. Therefore, … Your privacy is our priority. Posted by Deputy Chief Steve Prziborowski on February 5th, 2011 That is a question that is commonly asked during an oral interview, and even during fire station visits or discussions with others when they find out your career aspirations. Whatever you choose, try to end your answer by showing you’re still interested in this career and the work that you do. While fire prevention and public education are critical components of the role. I wasn't driving, but my friend (let’s call him Andrew) was. You probably should apply elsewhere.) While a firefighter may stay calm under the pressure of fighting a four-alarm fire, taking the oral interview to become fire captain can make anyone sweat. I completed field work in my last role without incident and am prepared to do the same in this role. Why do you want to work in this industry? I’m having a tough time putting it into words. Reply: This is … While it is best to keep it professional, it is also okay to let your personality … Good luck! What to look for in an answer: "I think technology is going to have a big impact on firefighting in the next five years, especially since there are developments in artificial intelligence. Why do you want to pursue your career in firefighting? From your initial training to your first experience on the job, you will be tested every step of the way. I became certified in emergency management through our local community college and I went on to work as an EMT for two years. Those who plan a long-term career as a firefighter must be prepared to adapt. A firefighter candidate should be well-groomed for the interview. So, why do you want to be a firefighter? *Indeed provides this information as a courtesy to users of this site. You made a difference in my life. However, we are both committed to working around my schedule and I am confident that we can find ways to make the most of my time off.". Questions that contain several parts can be tricky, but the key is to take your time. … Also, firefighting is a people-oriented profession, so think about how you wish to impact the lives of others. Firefighting involves work that can be dangerous and laborious, so employers want to be sure that they are hiring a candidate who truly wants to get the job done. This question explores whether candidates are prepared to take direction immediately and without question in an emergency -- even if they don't understand the reasoning. We explained the problem to the students to demonstrate that sometimes things do not go as planned, so having an alternative is important – just like on the real fireground. However, I am looking for a new challenge and am excited about using what I have learned in my current role to become an asset to your team of firefighters. Be sure to answer each part of the question and, if you get confused, do not hesitate to ask for the question to be repeated. We in the Armed Forces want you to live and work for the country. The 3 interview mistakes you will make every time. Employers want to know that you prioritize these qualities. Consider how old you are, and adjust your answer accordingly. I have made it my personal goal to be of service to my community, and being a firefighter is the best way to meet that goal.". Tell me about yourself. This line of work also requires passion for the community and willingness to support fellow firefighters. Wear a suit that fits well, avoid using strong perfumes or colognes, and make sure that your hair is neatly styled. The good answer: During the past 3 years, I have learned a lot in my current job. If you want to become a firefighter, or are already a firefighter but are ready for promotion, you are in exactly the right place! Comfort is key! For example, speak about your desire to help others and keep the community safe. Kaila Kea is a career coach and former contributor to the ZipRecruiter blog. 1. My interest really piqued in firefighting however after I witnessed a post-crash rescue. Why do you want to become a firefighter? ABOUT THE FIREFIGHTER INTERVIEW. Responding to emergency situations requires passion and a dedication. That means we have to do more with less, which could impact the service that we provide. I have always appreciated and admired those who put their lives on the line to protect our communities. Some are specifically geared towards firefighting, while others are more general. One of the most demanding, challenging, and fulfilling careers is that of a firefighter. Why do you want to be a firefighter? Remember, hit all the 'basic' points..but the interviewers are looking for the next generation of potential don't be afraid to stand out and be different. According to Firehouse, passion is a leading characteristic that interviewers seek in a firefighter candidate. What to look for in an answer: "The events of September 11 made a big impression on me as a child. Again, companies want to hire people who are passionate about the job, so you should have a great answer about why you want the position. However, fostering safety throughout the community and employing strategies to prevent incidents is quite rewarding. What inspired you to become a firefighter? When responding to the interview question, why do you want to be a firefighter, make sure you reference the PQAs and how you are able to match them. I think it's really cool. " Firefighting is exciting, and challenging work! Why do you want to be a firefighter? Avoid using this as an opportunity to bash your current employer. Responding to emergency situations requires passion and a dedication. This would be the … I had dreams of becoming an actor. It's extremely effective, but not enough people know about it. Every industry is being impacted by the political landscape, the economy and advances in technology. She is based in Hampton, Virginia. This question demonstrates that the job seeker has reflected on all of a firefighter's responsibilities and plans to make a positive contribution to these areas. A fire captain promotional examination typically consists of a written test and the oral interview. This is a question I can almost guarantee you will get in some form. What to look for in an answer: "A firefighter provided CPR and first-aid certification training to students during my senior year in high school. Another oft given answer is that, “I want to serve the country”. This might be an opportunity to find new and safer ways to fight fires.". Let's break this down. The good answer: I would promptly confront the colleague, referencing what we have learned in training about the dangers of drinking alcohol in the firehouse and/or the fireground. We realize that there will be times that I am going to miss family events. That's when I decided to pursue a career as a firefighter.". Firefighting can be an emotionally and physically demanding career, but an extremely rewarding one for the right candidate. Be mindful of the forecast on the day of your interview and bring items, such as a raincoat or light sweater, to help you adjust to a change in weather. Wear minimal jewelry and avoid flashy prints or colors. A firefighter must stay fit – firefighters exercise daily. Employers want to be certain that they are hiring someone who will make ethical choices, even when it is difficult to do so. I have spent the past 3 years completing my degree and working for the Department of Health, where I excelled in teaching local community members about public safety strategies and developing training materials for local firehouses. I would then give the colleague an opportunity to tell the fire chief about the incident, warning him or her that if they do not consult the chief, I will be obligated to do so myself to prevent an incident and ensure the safety of all involved. This means that the questions will be based on realistic circumstances that a firefighter may have to navigate. What Are Analytical Skills and Why Are They Important in Your Job? (This is one of the basic entry-level firefighter … Ability to react calmly and quickly in emergency situations. This is one of the toughest questions to answer without sounding like a Clone. Be sure to try your clothes on at least 3-5 days prior to the interview so that you have time to get ill-fitting items tailored or replace clothing that is stained or outdated. Ability to work with a team, follow orders without fail, bravery, quick thinking and acting, calmness in emergency are all essential qualities. Learn more: ZipRecruiter, Inc. © All Rights Reserved Worldwide, Email & Phishing Scams | How to Detect and Avoid Them, Chat & Video Messaging Interview Scams | How to Detect and Avoid Them, Identity Theft | How to Protect Yourself and Avoid Scams, Shipping & Money Laundering Scams | How to Detect and Avoid Them, Work From Home Scams | How to Detect and Avoid Them. Many of the questions you are asked during a firefighter interview will be situational. Whether you have a lot of reasons or one or two they should fit a few criteria. What are some of your personal goals? Your interview may be conducted by firehouse personnel or the fire chief. Why do you want this firefighter engineer job? Example: "I believe that a firefighter's most important quality is dedication. Aim for clothing and footwear that are both professional and comfortable. Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15 and 20 years? In preparation for your next interview consider this — you should already know most of the questions you'll be asked. When did you decide on this career? you'll have to face an oral interview board as a firefighter. Why Do you Want to be a firefighter? This means that you could be answering questions posed by your potential colleagues and manager, so it is important to put your best foot forward. Do not be overly dramatic or emotional in your response, although a bit of excitement it in line. Why do you want to work for this department/district? The interview is a chance for the candidate to make a connection with the board. Irregular schedules can be taxing on a family and can make managing home life stressful. Some important skills required from firefighters are: Physical agility and learning dexterity. Firefighting can be an emotionally and physically demanding career, but an extremely rewarding one for the right candidate. Why should we hire you? What education or training have you had that makes you fit for this profession? You want to draw more attention to your words than your outfit or accessories. Why do you want to be a firefighter? Recent Q&A- your questions, our in-depth answers. Specifically, this question looks at whether candidates will speak up against illegal or unethical practices. I enjoy being actively involved in the community. Ability to establish and maintain effective work relationships with co-workers and associates. (Most people have this job for years, but there is an age limit, typically 30, or 35 years of age–depending on the country of your application. However, situations can crop up from time to time where following orders is not necessarily appropriate. I would also remind them about how it could impair the safety of our fellow firefighters and community members. This means a lot to me. Tell us about yourself. Top 6 Fire Service Application Turnoffs! There are a wide variety of service and education programs designed for teenagers and young adults. That inspired me to explore the field further. Do you think if I push the “family” aspect will I get max points for that question? Think about the job requirements and what excites and motivates you about getting to do that every day. I went to drama school and made friends from all sorts of backgrounds and of all ages. We planned to have each of the students complete the Safety Training Obstacle Course, but the plan backfired! Visit our Help Center for answers to common questions or contact us directly. I like the excitement of the job. My biggest desire to be a firefighter is because I love the way the department functions first as a family, then as a job. The reasons why I want to become a firefighter are: I really like to help people- I work now as an EMT and I really enjoy somebody holding my hand and looking me in the eye and saying thank you. This question is intended to confirm that the job seeker has given some thought to managing a non-traditional work schedule and has the support of friends and family. If it involves telling a story you need to rework your answer! I loved that job, but I wanted to be more involved. The good answer: Firefighting is about people, processes, and safety – I greatly enjoy working with all of these. For example, one of the firefighter PQAs is Being open to change within the Fire Service. Common interview questions and answers for firefighters 2. I have always admired the firefighters and first responders who ran in to help the people who were trapped. Please don’t give those pseudo patriotic answers like, “I want to die for the country”. No one wants to die. You find everything they do and 'could' do exciting, you're the type of person who 'loves' change and wants to be a part of a modern Service. We want to hire you, not some clone who just memorized the same answers … I think it is important to be active in the political process so lawmakers have the information they need to make decisions about how to fund fire services.". Interviewers are also looking for a strong moral compass. Related Topics: Job Search, Spotlight, Candidate, Interview. Use this question to learn how the candidate became interested in a career in firefighting. And am prepared to do that every day & A- your questions, our in-depth answers 5! We in the Armed Forces want you to be their lives on the job requirements and excites! They should fit a few reasons you can begin the exercise of self-evaluation to determine if you have lot... And fulfilling careers is that of a firefighter 's most important quality is dedication motivates... 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