Two of them have been written by Spanish authors, namely Cortez (1986) and Diaz (1956), whose letters and books can be of great value to historians. The Aztec empire was a wealthy and a well-organized society. From 1518-1521, Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes and his army brought down the mighty Aztec Empire, the greatest the New World had ever seen. This description is based primarily on written documents from the 16th century but also includes some archaeological data. There are many mixed feelings about the impact of the Spaniards in the new world. The term Aztec was coined by the Spanish but was made popular by the Germans in the early 1900s. Some of them arrived in time to join Cortes, but most of them did not. The took potatoes, tomatoes, beans and maize After Montezuma II was killed the Aztecs elected Cuauhtemoc as … Moctezuma II was suspicious, but decided to send gifts of gold to the Spanish leader Hernan Cortes. Cortes sent his first shipment of Aztec gold back to Spain in 1520, and from that moment, the gold rush was on. They brought By 1680, 94% of the Aztec population had died. Our course will explore the other side of this turning point in world history: the Aztecs' troubled rise to power and how they first repulsed the Conquistadores; how their descendants survived the Spanish empire; and how, still (if not for much longer), they maintain features of the ancient tradition today. The smallpox weakened the Aztec cities around Tenochtitlan which soon fell to the Spanish and made it possible for the Spaniards to lay siege to Tenochtitlan. Picture 1 shows Aztecs growing crops to sell with other colonies. The conquest of the Aztec Empire by Hernán Cortés, at the beginning of the 16th century, was the first step to dominate this area of ​​America. This wealth made Spain a world power and involved them in wars and conquests around the globe. About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the page at Aztec Empire - Spanish Conquest. After the Spanish conquest, agricultural farming increased to trade agricultural goods with other colonies. largely fought as large-scale individual combats. In the first paragraph, the way of life preceding Spanish arrival and interaction will be analysed in the 1st body paragraph. When Cortes fleet landed on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico The Spaniards and their native allies were invited to stay in one of the palaces by Moctezuma II. After the successful conquest of the Aztecs, Hernan Cortes and subsequent colonial bureaucrats were faced with two problems. Cortés helped old enemies of the Aztecs defeat them in one of the most important events in the Spanish colonization of the Americas. it was Good Friday in 1519, Quetzalcoatl's birthday. completely dismantled the Aztec Empire and in the process gained control of those who were fighting for their own freedom. One hundred years later, a united Spain was a European powerhouse. Pre-Columbian civilizations - Pre-Columbian civilizations - Aztec culture to the time of the Spanish conquest: At the time of the Spanish conquest the dominant people of Meso-America were the Aztec. This extreme measure was an act of rebellion against his superior, Governor Velázquez, but he eliminated any and unless they conquered Mexico, they would be severely punished when they returned, Over the coming years, Spain would conquer much more of the Americas, conquering other major empires like the Incas. It is very likely that Tenochca power would have been in trouble by the middle It opened new doors by broadening economic and political gain. By using 150,000 of these native peoples and 9,000 of his own troops, Cortez The Spanish verb encomendar means "to entrust" and the system worked like this: a conquistador or bureaucrat was "entrusted" with vast lands and the Natives living on them. The disease arrived on the shores of Mexico with one of the members of Panfilo de Narvaez' army in 1520 and soon spread; it even reached the Inca Empire in South America by 1527. Some were successful, like Francisco Pizarro's conquest of the Inca Empire in western South America, but most were failures, like Panfilo de Narvaez' disastrous expedition to Florida in which all but four men out of over three hundred died. Many Aztec were killed, and the city of Tenochtitlan revolted and attacked the quarters of the Spanish.17 When Cortés returned to the city, the situation turned to full scale urban warfare. spanish word for "conqueror" Hernán Cortez-leader of the spanish conquest to mexico The Broken Spears of Miguel León Portilla, describes the Spanish conquest of Mexico and the struggle of the Aztecs to protect their cultural space in those times. First, there were many of the surrounding peoples with hostility toward Tenochtitlan. STUDY. Conquistadors. There were many rulers between Mocteuzma I and the accession of Mocteuzma II in 1502; they had 50 years of great success with growth and conquest, but Tenochca culture and Learn. Moctezuma II and Cortes met and Although much of the original gold looted from the Aztec Empire was lost to shipwrecks or pirates, rich silver mines were discovered in Mexico and later in Peru. Mendoza was entirely loyal to the Spanish crown, unlike the conqueror of Mexico Hernán Cortés, who had demonstrated that he was independent-minded and defied official orders when he threw off the authority of Governor Velázquez in Cuba. The Spanish Conquest Of The Aztec History Essay. The conquest of the Aztecs marked a significant period for the Spanish. almost became friends. It is believed that he died when some Aztecs contemplated his possible complicity with the Spaniards and threw ston… ...The Spanish conquest of the Aztecs in 1521, led by Hernando Cortes, was a landmark victory for the European settlers. Cortes’s army besieged Tenochtitlan for 93 days. The Spanish victory over the Aztec Empire was a victory against all numerical odds. so they were desperate. These Native "books" were a treasure trove of cultural information and history, and tragically only a few battered examples survive today. Second, the Aztecs had nothing like formal military strategy; wars were TACTICAL FACTORS IN THE SPANISH CONQUEST OF THE AZTECS DOUGLAS A. DANIEL Western Washington University A perspective largely unexamined in past works on the Spanish Conquest of Mexico has been the details of the tactical systems of the respective sides, and how these systems worked on the battlefield to produce the Spanish victory. For webquest or practice, print a copy of this quiz at the Aztec Empire - Spanish Conquest webquest print page. In South America, the legend of El Dorado - a lost city ruled by a king who covered himself in gold - persisted into the nineteenth century.  Â. desertion and assured the loyalty of his men. It was an empire that people from Europe had never seen before. This paper is aimed at examining three primary documents that can throw light on the Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire. The deterioration of relations between the Spanish and Aztec in Tenochtitlan was due to an attack ordered by Pedro de Alvarado on an Aztec festival. Later, Catholic priests arrived and began burning Native codices by the thousands. Test. back to Europe. When Hernán Cortés arrived, many groups became allies with the Spanish helping them take the Aztec capital in 1521. was suspicious, but decided to send gifts of gold to the Spanish leader Hernan Cortes. Battle of Tenochtitlan (May 22–August 13, 1521), military engagement between the Aztecs and a coalition of Spanish and indigenous combatants commanded by Hernan Cortes. Match. The Spanish conquest was devastating to the Aztec people. In short, the European expansion paved the way for a new age, a new beginning, and a major turning point in history. First, conquered peoples began to revolt all over the territories. Finally, a small-pox epidemic infected the city of Tenochtitlan and half of the city Aztec spies reported that these men were called Spaniards. Moctezuma II the Aztecs for several reasons. In 1535, Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor (who was as the King of Spain known as Charles I), named the Spanish nobleman Don Antonio de Mendoza the first Viceroy of New Spain. Ins… The Aztec lands were renamed "New Spain" and the colonization process began. By August 13th, 1521, the Aztec empire was The Aztec lands were renamed "New Spain" and the colonization process began. The second was how to rule large swaths of conquered land. Cortes soon reached Lake Texcoco and was greeted by Moctezuma II. rebeccafields10. Aztec spies reported that these men were called Spaniards. The gold and other Aztec gifts only made the Spaniards want more of the new world riches. In general, the conquest displayed the impact of European exploration on the New World and the outcomes of the Age of Exploration . Both civilizations had a different way of waging war. There were many factors that contributed to the remarkable victory by the Spanish in Mexico. name given to Spanish conquest to the Americas. Back to History for Kids Moctezuma, then emperor of the Aztecs, had authority over about 5 million people in much of the territory that is now known as Mexico. Once captured, they were taken to their cities where they were enslaved or used as human sacrifices in homage to their gods. Christopher Minster, Ph.D., is a professor at the ​Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador. By August of 1521, the glorious city of Tenochtitlan was in ruins. Superior weaponry and a devastating smallpox outbreak enabled the Spanish to conquer the city. of the sixteenth century, but most importantly, the reign of Mocteuzma II was effected by the the Spaniards under Cortez in 1519-1522. The Spaniards camped at what is now Veracruz. The weapons of Aztecs are described in another way by “The most important offensive weapon of the Aztecs was the Macana, a sort of paddle-shaped wooden club edged with sharp bits of obsidian…during the Conquest warriors beheaded Spanish horses at a single stroke” (Leyn-Portilla II-328). Cortés became worried that some of his crew would steal his ships and desert him so he sunk his fleet before marching to Tenochtitlan. The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire was one of the most significant events in the Spanish colonization of the Americas.The campaign began in February 1519, and was declared victorious on August 13, 1521, when a coalition army of Spanish forces and native Tlaxcalan warriors led by Hernán Cortés and Xicotencatl the Younger captured Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire. In our previous animated historical documentary we have covered the Rise of the Aztecs. Conquistadors routinely destroyed temples inhabited by "devils" and told the Natives that their god was the only one and that to worship their traditional deities was heresy. The Aztecs governed a collection of city-states and peoples who paid taxes to Tenochitilán. The Spanish introduced horses, cattle, sheep and pigs to the American continents. Terms in this set (14) La Conquista. This article relates the conquest of the Aztec Empire by Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés in 1521. The Spanish also had firearms that were superior to the Atec weapons. In reality, the encomienda system was thinly-disguised enslavement and millions died in unspeakable conditions, particularly in mines. A codex written after the conquest by a Spanish priest depicts Tenochtitlan's enormous skull rack, or tzompantli. Spell. Mexico and the Caribbean soon filled with desperate, ruthless soldiers looking to take part in the next great conquest. By August of 1521, the glorious city of Tenochtitlan was in ruins. Through the lands they had conquered and the rebellions they crushed, the Aztecs had encouraged many rivals, who wanted them removed. The tons of silver, much of which was made into the famous pieces of eight, would encourage Spain's "Siglo de Oro" or "golden century" which saw great contributions in art, architecture, music, and literature from Spanish artists.Â. Created by. Downfall: Aztec Civilisation A summary of the downfall of the Aztec empire and then a discussion of the legacy of the Aztecs. 1587 AZTEC MANUSCRIPT, THE CODEX TOVAR/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Tenochtitlan: Sacrifice City The Spaniards defeated Cortes' defeat of the Aztec Empire had many ramifications, not the least of which was the eventual creation of the nation we know as Mexico. The Aztecs and the Spanish Conquest for GCSE (I) This is Part 1 of the full version of our resource for the Historical Association. The topic of this essay is to find out if the Spanish Conquest of the Americas had a significant impact on the Aztecs. Following the Spanish arrival in Mexico, a huge battle erupted between the army of Cortes and the Aztec people under the rule of Montezuma. When Cortés arrived Tenochtitlán , capital of the Aztec empire, was a city with a population of 200,000 inhabitants. The Spaniards camped at what is now Veracruz. The Spaniards kidnapped Mocteuzma and eventually killed him in 1524. was wiped out. 2021 is the quincentenary of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs. PLAY. The "New Laws" of 1542 tried to rein in the worst aspects of the system, but they were so unpopular with colonists that Spanish landowners in Peru went into open rebellion. Cortes' successful conquest of Tenochtitlan and the Aztecs allowed Spain to soon assert dominance over the entirety of the Aztec Empire. He marched to Tenochtitlán and met Aztec emperor Motecuhzoma on November 8, 1519. Conquistadors were replaced by bureaucrats and colonial officials, and Mexico would be a Spanish colony until it began its fight for independence in 1810. These same Native cultures were shocked to discover that the Spanish did not believe the same way. In 1519, conquistador Hernan Cortes landed on Mexico's Gulf coast and began an audacious conquest of the mighty Aztec Empire. Conquest of the Aztec Empire Part I. Hernán Cortés was born in Seville in 1485. Write. The Council of the Indies was constituted in 1524 and the first Audiencia in 1527. On his way to the Aztec city of Tenochtitlán, Cortés fought and conquered the Aztec's enemies, the Tlaxcallans, and added their warriors to his own army. The first was how to reward the blood-soaked conquistadors who had taken the land (and who had been badly cheated out of their shares of the gold by Cortes). The vanquished culture kept their temples and their gods, and often welcomed the new deities, on the grounds that their followers' victory had proven them strong. Thousands of adventurous young Europeans - not only Spanish - heard tales of the great riches of the Aztec Empire and they set out to make their fortune just like Cortes had. When the city of Tenochtitlan fell, the remainder of Mexico fell very rapidly. Flashcards. Interesting Facts about the Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs. They decided to kill two birds with one stone by implementing the encomienda system. The name "N… On his way to Tenochtilan Cortes persuaded many enemies (some These materials varied from bones to wood. Aztec people valued trade in the economy to stimulate the economy. The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire is not only one of the most significant events in the early exploration and conquest of the Americas, but also one of the most significant events in world history. The Spanish Conquistadors came armed with cannons, crossbows, lances, fine Toledo swords and firearms, none of which had ever been seen by Native warriors before. The Native cultures of the New World were warlike and tended to fight first and ask questions later, so there was much conflict and many Natives were killed in battle. The Spanish Conquest impacted the Aztec society’s beliefs and way of life. king, Carlos V, he burned their ships and set off on horses to Tenochtitlan. Cortez sent a ship back to Spain to deliver letters and Aztec treasure to the Others were enslaved, driven from their homes, or forced to endure starvation and rapine. Third, Cortez and his men knew they had come into Mexico against orders The Aztecs were looking for ways to immobilize or injure their enemies with the help of weapons made of organic materials to capture them. Here are some of the many consequences of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs and their lands. Far worse than the violence inflicted by the conquistadors was the horror of smallpox. Christopher Minster. Between 1519 and 1521, Spanish conquistadors, led by Hernán Cortés, overthrew the Aztec Empire. He did it through a combination of luck, courage, political savvy and advanced tactics and weapons. by defeating in battle) of the Aztec people to join him as he marched through their lands. Gravity. Aztec slaves were used to maintain the agricultural area. Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs. The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire was one of the most significant events in the Spanish colonization of the Americas, as well as world history.Although the conquest of central Mexico was not the conquest of all regions in what is modern Mexico, the conquest of the Aztecs is the most significant overall. The technological advance of Spain helped to overcome the numerical disadvantage in which the Spaniards and their allies were against the Aztecs. The Aztec outnumbered the Spanish, but that didn't stop Hernán Cortés from seizing Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital, in 1521. In 1519, conquistador Hernan Cortes landed on Mexico's Gulf coast and began an audacious conquest of the mighty Aztec Empire. Cortes set out from the Gulf Coast with 400 Spaniards, 16 horses, and several cannons. in sugar and other grains. Cortes came into the city and destroyed it. The Population of the New World was Decimated, It Brought Forth the Vile Encomienda System, 10 Notable Spanish Conquistadors Throughout History, 8 Important Figures in the Conquest of the Aztec Empire, Important Events in the Conquest of the Aztec Empire, Armor and Weapons of the Spanish Conquistadors, Biography of Hernán Cortés, Ruthless Conquistador, Spain's American Colonies and the Encomienda System, 10 Facts About the Conquest of the Inca Empire. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Before 1492, what we call Spain was a collection of feudal Christian Kingdoms which could barely put aside their own squabbling long enough to oust the Moors from Southern Spain. The disease killed hundreds of millions in Mexico alone: it's impossible to know specific numbers, but by some estimates, smallpox wiped out between 25% and 50% of the population of the Aztec Empire. The encomendero was responsible for the safety, education and religious well-being of the men and women on his land, and in exchange, they paid him with goods, food, labor, etc. This major victory marked the beginning of the Spanish Empire in the Americas. He is a former head writer at VIVA Travel Guides. In the Mesoamerican world, when one culture conquered another - which happened frequently - the winners imposed their gods upon the losers, but not to the exclusion of their original gods. ruined and Spanish rule soon spread throughout the newly gained land. Updated May 30, 2019. Some of that had to do with a series of efficient rulers, but much was because of the great wealth flowing into Spain from its New World holdings. The system was implemented in subsequent conquests, including Central America and Peru. This event is called the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire. The gold and other Aztec gifts only made the Spaniards want more of the new world riches. society suffered disasters under Mocteuzma II. The siege was characterised by a series of brutal and chaotic fights along the waterways and within the City precincts of Tenochtitlan as the Spaniards sought to establish control over the City whilst the Aztecs feverishly defended it. Conquistador armies scoured the New World for wealthy cities to loot. Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire Bernal Díaz del Castillo memorial, in Medina del Campo ( Spain ) Bernal Díaz del Castillo (c. 1496 – January 1584) was a Spanish conquistador , who participated as a soldier in the conquest of Mexico under Hernán Cortés and late in his life wrote an account of the events. The book is structured under three main events: the resources that Miguel Portilla used to describe this town and their culture, the resistance of the Aztecs and the global reaction after the heralded Spanish conquest. 16 horses, cattle, sheep and pigs to the Spanish conquest print. That these men were called Spaniards Aztecs growing crops to sell with other colonies and Aztec. Two problems next great conquest the entirety of the legacy of the many consequences of surrounding. Made popular by the conquistadors was the horror of smallpox with a of..., driven from their homes, or tzompantli, capital of the legacy the... 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