Shakespeare had thought about all that four hundred years ago, and any politician contemplating achieving and retaining power by foul means should take note of Macbeth’s experience. This is one of Shakespeare’s explorations of leadership. They immediately engage in fast, witty repartee in which they light-heartedly insult each other, using derogatory nicknames about each other. Juliet, Romeo & Juliet. How should a king be educated to enable him to respond to his people? Shakespeare shows us all this. The first play in the sequence is a delightful story with several comic scenes with the young prince interacting with ordinary people, immersing himself in their activities, some of them even criminal, with lots of eating and drinking involved. Antonio, not taking him seriously, agrees. He has no real reason for engineering that other than for his own gratification. When Iago wants to set up the appearance of inappropriate behavior between Cassio and Desdemona, he decides that “my wife must move for Cassio to her mistress” (2.3.) Men and women do fall in love all the time and commit themselves to each other but each gender finds the other strange and unfathomable. Which one would be easiest for you to play? He ends with the cry, ‘Now, gods, stand up for bastards!’. The two cultures are very different. Although the play is set in Venice Shakespeare’s plays always address the issues of the England of his time. Barry Rutter as King Lear. Great Shakespeare Quotes that Inspire Us to Age Creatively ... it's highly doubtful that Shakespeare realized his words and characters would persist in … He tells them, though, that he will retain the title of king, and soon discovers that the title is meaningless without the power and authority behind it. Juliet is remarkably like a twenty-first century western woman in her defiance of the restraints that bind her. This play is very much about the conflict between the mediaeval world in which social structures are fixed by God and there’s no way around that, and the developing Renaissance humanism in which the emphasis moves away from God-centred to human being-centred, thus the Renaissance art – sculptures and paintings – that emphasise the beauty of the human body, realistically depicted in those works. Goneril, Lady Percy and Portia (JC) are all married women, slightly older, but I wouldn't place them at a ripe old age - somewhere between 20-30. Former Presidents Barack Obama, George Bush and Bill Clinton have offered to take the COVID-19 "vaccine" on air. not a Jew eyes? ‘I am a Jew. Much Ado About Nothing is a remarkable play that combines a borrowed ancient tale with a modern story entirely invented by Shakespeare. We live in an age of Western democracies but there are still many countries that are ruled by single authoritarian figures. He also needed the support of the people to avoid rebellions and effectively to conduct wars. William Shakespeare (bapt. One can point to many other actions against the establishment in the cause of equality. When some officers arrive on a visit to her uncle’s house, where she is living, she encounters the young Benedick, who also scorns marriage. With the historical characters you can see from history. He will deal with anyone but he will not eat, drink, socialise or pray with Christians. The humanist principle, that it is the human being that counts and that every human being is as valuable as any other, is a fixed principle in modern Western democracies. However, women are never totally free in Shakespeare’s plays : if not owned by husbands and fathers, many low-class characters are owned by their employers. Included is our exclusive spelled pronunciation guide, essential for actors and teachers, and an in-depth biography of many of Shakespeare's most popular and fascinating creations. A psychopath is traditionally defined as a person who has a personality disorder characterised by persistent anti-social behaviour, impaired empathy and lack of remorse and who exhibits disinhibited egotistical traits. She is the young daughter of Capulet and Lady Capulet. William Gascoigne Ghost (Hamlet) Gonzalo (The Tempest) The Gravediggers Henry Green (courtier) Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster Guiderius • Jack Cade (hist) leads a proletarian rebellion in Henry VI, Part 2. See more ideas about Actors, Shakespeare plays, Bard. In the twentieth century, though, only the most advanced societies apply the logic of that speech while many more countries have a long way to go to catch up with Shakespeare. His eldest son is not co-operating, spending his time in London pubs, surrounded by a bunch of disreputables. Macbeth is an example of the proposition of famous twentieth century British politician, Enoch Powell, that  “all political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.” Four hundred years before Powell said that Shakespeare had illustrated it in the political career of Macbeth. It was only in the twentieth century that psychopaths became the subject of scientific study, but here was Shakespeare, four hundred years before that, giving us the perfect depiction of a psychopath – one who matches the profile of psychopaths like Ted Bundy who have been comprehensively studied. That paralyses their ability to function. Mark Anthony and Henry V could be person-friendly sufficient to ascertain--in basic terms examine archives on their lifespans and relate it to the happenings in the e book. It is partly sexual attraction that overcomes that and Shakespeare shows us that in this play. The character that stands out of Shakespeare’s invention is Beatrice who is the prototype of the modern feminist woman. Beatrice exists in a Renaissance society in which women were not educated. The fourteen year-old displays remarkable strength, courage and fortitude. Iago delights in the pain and ultimate destruction of others. I just need a little help on finding the ages of some of the female Characters in Shakespeare's plays Rosalind - As You Like it Phoebe - As You Like it Viola - Twelfth Night Paulina - The Winters Tale Goneril - King Leah Cressida - Troilus and Cressida Ophelia - Hamlet Juliet - Romeo and Juliet Portia - Julia Caesar Lady Percy - King Henry IV part II Queen Margaret - King Henry VI … For the fictitious or quasi fictional characters, your guess is as stable as anyones. Sam Worthington as Macbeth. Even before he is elected his support is draining away and for most of the rest of the play he fights to maintain his position as king. Like most of Shakespeare’s heroines, Viola is a tremendously likable figure. These women are often pure and chaste at the beginning of the play, … It is a great battle as he has chosen Paris for his own social advancement and she has refused. Among his companions there are prostitutes, thieves, drunkards and swindlers. so she'd probably be around the 40 mark. Sir Ian McKellen as Edmund. Hamlet also contemplates such issues as political corruption, marital fidelity, family, revenge motives, religion, and more. One can also see the justice of Edmund’s case in that in the twenty-first century the concept of illegitimacy his either disappeared or has no implications. Hamlet ('Hamlet') As the melancholy Prince of Denmark and grieving son to the recently deceased … Bertram, Count of Roussillion (BER.) Such strength in a girl of her age may seem improbable but Shakespeare makes it work by giving her enormous passion and determination, and it’s convincing. The Elizabethan audience will not have encountered many Jews but they will have had strong prejudices against them. That central drama draws attention to the fact that if you remove all clothing – the king’s expensive gown and the beggar’s rags – one can’t tell which is the beggar and which the king. i do no longer understand off hand. In this case he is exploring the conditions of a Jew in Elizabethan England. He gets the idea that he could be king if only Duncan were out of the way. Marlon Brando as Marc Antony. The idea behind that is the question of what makes a good king. That is partly because his religion would be opposed to that but it is also because he is angry about the injustice of the way he and his community are being treated by the mainstream society. In Iago, one of Othello’s officers, Shakespeare offers us a character whose psychological pattern was only recognised as a personality defect four hundred years later. But in our age he is certainly a model for those offended by the principle of inequality based on such things as race, gender, or any condition determined by one’s birth. What does my Book Synopsis seem like, would you give it a read based on reading it ? Shakespeare himself has been called anti-Semitic by some but that, too, is inaccurate. Although Edmund’s actions are unacceptable they can be seen as a fight-back in the way, in some countries in our modern world, the fight for equality goes on. In Macbeth’s case a rebel force headed by Macduff acts against him and he ends up being decapitated. Shakespeare’s spot-on analysis makes that recognisable to all of us. They have taught us many lessons about human behaviour and we quote them all the time: we use things they said in our everyday speech, often without even realising it (catching a cold, breaking the ice, the naked truth, fancy free, with bated breath etc.). Portia in MV was a lawyer so would be about 30 maybe? Has anyone read First Light by R.L. Hello!! He has revenge on his mind. The idea of that is that being a king is not just to do with titles and fine gowns and material possessions; it’s much more to do with something else, something not to do with outward signs, that makes a man a king. At this point he has changed from a man of war and politics to a man transformed through the power of love, for whom power is meaningless. Shylock is a wealthy money-lender. At her age she would have been in a high hormonal condition, in that her falling in love with Romeo is so sudden and intense. what should i say? A careful reading of the play shows the nastiness of the Christians. There are many lessons for those conflicted between their powerful public positions and their private lives. Juliet emerges in our times as a strong female role model. He ends up mad and completely naked in the wilderness but he eventually comes round with an understanding of that principle. Macbeth, tragedy in five acts by William Shakespeare, written sometime in 1606–07 and published in the First Folio of 1623. Shakespeare disguises that by depicting them as good and kind people among themselves He shows Shylock as quite mean-minded and having different, alien values, so we can quite easily fall into the trap of thinking Shakespeare has been anti-Semitic but if we look at the treatment of Shylock it is quite clear as to what Shakespeare is doing. The ultimate bad-boy, Iago is the villain everyone loves to hate in Shakespeare’s … The power of attraction is so strong that they go into relationships in spite of the mystery that each one presents to the other. Show More. It is clear, though, that Shakespeare makes her an educated young woman and we can easily believe that she has insisted on that from early childhood. Eventually, as their increasingly desperate acts catch up with them, their careers suffer an ignoble demise. Among his ten points are: lack of remorse or guilt; superficial emotional responsiveness, callousness and lack of empathy; impulsivity; irresponsibility and criminal versatility. We see this pattern in modern politics and there have been cases where cover-ups – desperate measures to stay in power – have brought powerful figures down. In this play Shakespeare depicts the Christian characters and their culture as thoroughly nasty. Characters include:John Gower,Antiochus,Antiochus's daughter ,Thaliart,Pericles and more But not only those using extreme means: Powell was talking about all political careers because as those careers advance politicians are drawn into things that make their success increasingly difficult and, as Powell would have it, impossible. He goes ahead with it and is immediately wracked by a paralysing sense of guilt. However, she is highly intelligent and, in spite of the turmoil of her emotions, able to think clearly and to accept the consequences of her impulsive actions. Play. The Roman ethic is hard and matter-of-fact, rigid and masculine. If you prick us, do we not bleed? Emilia at first appears to be one of her husband Iago’s puppets. and shortly thereafter Emilia facilitates a meeting between Desdemona and Cassio, and encourages her mistress to advocate on behalf of Cassio. I know when she's appears in Richard III, in the real life version of events, she was dead by then. 26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) was an English playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest dramatist. Apart from the impossibility of reading Shakespeare’s mind to understand what he thought about things, his presentation of a Jew is simply an exploration of what it means to be a Jew living in a Renaissance Christian society. During their love affair he falls increasingly under her spell and continuously postpones his return to Rome, and neglects his responsibilities there. Shakespeare’s characters are woven into the texture of Western culture. By the time Antonio defaults on his debt Shylock’s daughter, Jessica, has been abducted by her secret Christian lover and his friends and that has broken broken her father’s heart. She has rightly become, not only Shakespeare’s most famous female character, but one of his greatest characters and one we can look up to and learn from her. She is an attractive young woman who is very sceptical about men and is determined never to marry. This site section is a work in progress, as we work to build out in-depth character studies for all of Shakespeare’s major characters. Later, when Lear comes out of his mental confusion he understands that, and understanding that, describes himself as ‘every inch a king.’, The play teaches us many things and has several lessons for human beings of all the ages following Shakespeare’s, and into the future. Rosalind, a witty and intelligent young woman, the daughter of the deposed Duke Senior, in Shakespeare’s As You Like It. History has many examples of powerful political men and women who have looked more deeply into life beneath the superficial practice of politics. They will easily have believed that Jews are money-grabbing, stand-offish and hostile. All's Well That Ends Well. Something particularly striking is his consideration for the ordinary people in his kingdom and he becomes very much, interacting with his soldiers, for example, a very popular and effective king. On Henry’s death Hal becomes king and the third play is all about what a good, wise and effective king he is. a Christian is? We frequently see the latter, once they are in power, struggling to stay in power, having to fight off the repercussions of the corrupt acts they have committed to gain it. Shylock has no way of knowing whether Antonio’s ships will return or not. The orphan daughter of a great doctor, she is the ward of the Countess of Rousillon, and hopelessly in love with the Countess' son, Bertram. What is striking about Beatrice is her sparkling intelligence, her use of sharp, punchy language and her fierce sense of independence. The lessons are as true and valid today as they were four hundred years ago. Across the four centuries since Edmund first appeared on a stage he has been interpreted differently in each generation. This list of Shakespeare plays brings together all 38 plays in alphabetical order. Juliet from "Romeo and Juliet" is one of William Shakespeare's best-known characters. We see him fearlessly taking on the rebels in an uprising against Duncan and we see the adoration he gets from everyone, including the king. His eyes are gouged and he’s blinded. Having gone too far by insisting on it, he is severely punished by a court heavily biased in favour of the Christian community. Antony becomes a part of that world but deeply conflicted by his understanding that he is avoiding his responsibilities. There are lessons in Hal’s journey for all leaders. The struggle is real for those of us in real life, but even more real for those of Shakespeare’s art. fed with Hamlet is the most famous of Shakespeare’s characters – the one we most quote and the one we most refer to when thinking about human life and existence. The play chronicles Macbeth’s seizing of power and subsequent destruction, both his rise and his fall the result of blind ambition. What do you think president Trump’s favorite book to read is? The result is that they actually come together. warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as They are both mad, although the beggar is one of Gloucester’s sons, not mad but disguised as a beggar and pretending to be mad. Shakespeare is not real specific about the ages of some of his characters. In Antony and Cleopatra Shakespeare addresses one of his major themes – political power. All's Well That Ends Well. Get answers by asking now. Shylock is often listed among Shakespeare’s villains and the play is sometimes condemned as anti-Semitic. Hath He says “I stumbled when I saw.’ This is something that Lear also discovers, in the figurative sense. Is it worthy a try? if you poison Lear is the main protagonist in King Lear. But as mentioned above, it's almost impossible to be specific. I don't think the exact ages of any of them (with the exception of Juliet are given). In spite of all the threats and physical violence from her father she adamantly refuses to marry the man her father has selected as her husband. Renowned as a great military general, he is swiftly becoming a man undergoing a spiritual journey that takes him away from that. His utterance ‘to be or not to be, that is the question’ is probably the most famous of all of Shakespeare’s lines, and the soliloquy that follows is a deep exploration of that great human theme – life and death. One of Shakespeare’s most notable female characters, Rosalind (disguised as a young man named Ganymede) offers wise counsel to the lovesick Orlando: “Men have died from time to One should be able to recognise a king, not by his trappings and kingly garments, but by something within him. Jeremy Irons as Hal. Al Pacino as Shylock, It is believed that Shakespeare wrote 38 plays in total between 1590 and 1612. My sister wants to know why should we read classic literature and why its important. Hamlet’s deliberations have offered us food for thought for four centuries and whatever deep human dilemma we are confronted with the language to describe it is likely to have come from Hamlet’s mouth. Find out here! At the centre of the drama are two naked men, together on a blasted heath. Macbeth knows that if there were an election for king he would easily win it. There have always been psychopaths around us and it is a mark of Shakespeare’s deep insight into and keen observation of human behaviour that one of his major characters is so accurately depicted as a psychopath. King if only Duncan were out of his comfort zone educated to enable to! Within him is exploring the conditions of a Jew hands, organs dimensions!, their careers suffer an ignoble demise poetic works on it, decides... And ultimate destruction of others though, Shakespeare explores the human condition with honesty and truthfulness plea for democratic... 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