|nterv;ewed and evaluated as compared to Software Engineers? Wish someone had introduced it to me when I was younger.. [–]zuring 6 points7 points8 points 6 years ago (0 children). Same! A one-page, two asymmetric column resume template in XeTeX that caters particularly to an undergraduate Computer Science student. I have the benefit of some work experience though to pad it. Writing a resume is like creating a code: you will go through several rounds of testing to see which one works best. Take a look at this thread to see what it's all about. Note: The following advice is mostly for resumes in the United States. OP delivers and you fucking downvote him because it's not what you want. I'm sorry, but getting an internship doesn't prove your resume is good. Another way of listing your experience with languages is by specifying "Proficient", "Prior experience" in parenthesis following the language. I do agree with you but this post was made for undergrads. For best results, check at least twice with a gap of a few days, and read aloud backwards starting from the last line in the resume. Try to start each bullet with one of these words, Be brief without leaving out important details, Feel free to leave out short stints that you did at school (I don't list one of my development jobs I had for ~2 months when I was excused for unrelated circumstances). There are legitimate reasons to have a 2 page resume. Resume Genius is a free resume builder. subBullet: Worked on preprocessing of input data. W. Southtown, NS. You could take a cue from My sample from yesterday on how to format a header to make the most space. 4 years is a long time to accumulate work experience. A mediocre state school lol. Tips and examples of how to put skills and achievements on a computer science resume. Experience is the most important thing. Some people choose to list just their name, phone number, and email address (omitting physical address). The university name should be emphasized more than the degree name because it is typically a stronger "signal" to the prospective employer. [–]tedbradly 4 points5 points6 points 6 years ago* (0 children). [–]markerzSoftware Engineer in Test 7 points8 points9 points 6 years ago (3 children). Regardless, each work entry, especially if only like 1 year long or less, should only mention technologies used and your main action at the company during it all. Education is not as important as you think, especially coming out of college. If there's anything ambiguous, they'll ask you during the interview. If your resume contains the same keywords that routinely pop up in the job description for your target job, you have a much better chance of getting past the employer's ATS. [–]LockeWattsAndroid Manager -2 points-1 points0 points 6 years ago (10 children). I've only ever been to a few of them in my life, and didn't care for the companies that were hiring developers, but that was mostly a geographical problem. I'll leave some key points that they all say matters: Most of the recruiters I have been around say you have 10-15 seconds if that long before your resume ends up in the dump pile. SDE... SDE intern you mean? A subreddit for those with questions about working in the tech industry or in a computer-science-related job. Should you list the relational databases you know? Other countries often want more robust CVs which include more information than a typical U.S. tech resume. Tldr: get any job programming, do awesome at it, get better yourself, jump to better jobs every so often, and build your resume. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Check out this awesome "quick answers to common questions" thread. Don't write generic and vague sentences like "created an app" -- find a way to make them personal and technically interesting. [–]LockeWattsAndroid Manager 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago* (3 children). Please don't start new threads about these topics without getting mod permission first, lest we be forced to...intervene. Software: DATAEXPERT, CMS, VSAM, … Posts must be related to computer science careers, Posts must show thought, effort, and research, Some questions belong in daily stickied threads, Survey or data-collecting posts need mod approval, Promotional or advertising threads are only allowed in the monthly stickied threads, Posts must contain a question or foster discussion, Comments should be professional and helpful, Use ModMail instead of PMing moderators if you have issues. I encourage having 3 or 4 very simple bullets beneath every job, describing your duties and feats. but even then I wouldn't put it at the top unless they are specifically looking for an MS or PhD only. 60 seconds. For a doctoral degree, include your thesis title (or research topic), adviser's name, and areas of focus (as a list of keywords). Career cup is great but it isn't quite tailored for an undergrad as it assumes that you've already finished your education. You can export this information into a .txt file for free. I'd also argue that the job title and company is more important than the year, as far as placement goes. So you've held 3 positions as SDE at 3 different companies... for your undergrad resume? It would be like putting on your resume that you did your calculus homework. [–]n1c0_dsSoftware Engineer 2 points3 points4 points 6 years ago (0 children). The better the FAQ, the harder we can come down on lazy posters with low-effort OPs, which means a higher quality subreddit experience for you. Decide whether to spell all months in full (e.g., July, September), or use their common 3-letter abbreviations (e.g., Jul, Sep). [–]Irremotus_MT 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (0 children). The job title alone doesn't say much, but reducing the code base size by over 60% is quite a feat. Obviously it doesn't for you but still... [–]skypro0806Software Engineer 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (1 child). Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. ... A subreddit for those with questions about working in the tech industry or in a computer-science-related job … Show us the resume that got you your job The stickied thread shows resume critiques, but how about we show some of the resumes that got you hired. More info about the salary survey can be found on the subreddit wiki. The interview process at Reddit was the best experience I've had in my career. The experience section was copied almost word for word in my resume: http://en.nicolasbouliane.com. Get 20+ great examples and job-winning tips from our experts. Disagree, and think this is the worst advice constantly given out in this sub. [–]n1c0_dsSoftware Engineer 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (0 children). What you inclu Related Articles: First, print out the job description, along with your resume. But yeah, I have 4 different work entries, not counting the teaching assistant\research assistant jobs I've had during the semesters. I have had the fortune that I have 3 distinct references which I am able to tap for anything. The second makes it look like all the rest. They don't care if you worked in sales. That guy with several awards and extensive experience has a two page resume. If a recruiter or interviewer is curious about it, they can ask me about it directly. Resume: The general rule of thumb is to list your GPA if it's at least 3.0 or higher, but there are two important rules to know here: (1) You may choose to list your in-major GPA if it's higher than your overall GPA, but you need to specify that it's your in-major GPA. A resume is a brief, informative document summarizing your abilities, education, and experience. As for the rest of your profile, I suggest you do something like this: Remove Operating systems, networking, and applications. Also include any honors or distinctions received (e.g., XYZ Dissertation Prize). I wish someone led me to glorious victory in battle at work. Not necessarily. The better the FAQ, the harder we can come down on lazy posters with low-effort OPs, which means a higher quality subreddit experience for you. Second: Check out this awesome "quick answers to common questions" thread, Fourth: Search for prior posts on the subject. Unless you are applying to a small business, it is very likely that your resume will not get looked at if it is 2 pages. I'm willing to bet someone that could do that wouldn't be applying as a developer. I just asked because a lot of people simply assume this is a golden rule that must never be broken. Hopefully it gives some hope to other people who may feel like their grades or resume isn't stellar. I'm not sure about your undergrad experience, but I know mine was chock full of average students that may or may not have went to class and did nothing out of the ordinary to distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack. List it. Another school of thought is that your experience/project sections should mention all these buzzwords - I think that's great to do, but having a short aggregate section for them will make your resume just that much easier to get the data the recruiter wants from it. I'm also in honors. The abbreviations can help to save space. [–]smdaegan 3 points4 points5 points 6 years ago (1 child). “I’m looking for a job” can’t hold a candle to, … What I did was I found (stalked), CS grads from places like Harvard, Yale, etc. You throw out vague terms and honestly, this would get you dumped from my company. As a final statement on this topic, I want to tell you that I got hired at a known place with a resume that had my GPA, the fact that I knew C++/Linux, and like 3 projects I had coded in school. Frankly, I think you'll have plenty of time to parse through the resume in 10-30 seconds. Here we discuss careers in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, and related fields. How to Interview for a Senior Position. I have seen glorify resumes from folks that knows very little, and resumes that are not that attractive from very qualify folks. Read our complete guide to writing a professional resume for system administrators: highlight your system administration skills and achievements, get a lot more interviews, and kick-start a new career! If your resume looks and sounds like the other 100+ they have looked at. [–]A_Really_Cool_HatSoftware Engineer 1 point2 points3 points 6 years ago (0 children). This is coming from a person who didn't know what programming was when he was a freshman in college. That said, the best computer science resume is all about how you present yourself. [–]sun_tzu_vs_srs 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (0 children). I like it. Please keep the conversation professional, adhere to the reddiquette, and remember to READ OUR RULES. [–]throwawy2356 9 points10 points11 points 6 years ago (0 children), To everyone that got into a big 4 company that is posting their resume: Thank you, [–]A_Really_Cool_HatSoftware Engineer 6 points7 points8 points 6 years ago* (4 children). Mixed (combined format) resumes combine the chronological and functional formats. Yeah, that's what I assumed but thanks for posting! It's a framework. [–]SloppySynapses 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (1 child). I'm still trying to find the true answer to that. Please note that we, the CSCQ mod team are not in charge of this discord. The “Education” section is at the end of the resume. Portfolios go about as far as experience, unless you have a seriously awesome portfolio and that trumps almost everything. Share your current compensation and review the data submitted by other users in the two links above. You don't want a recruiter to read through your resume thinking you're graduating or something only to realize you're still a freshman? CareerCup's resume review is done by actual engineers at the major tech companies, so you can be sure that the people reviewing your resume are the same types of people who would review it in the real world. Thanks. Use the official degree name and conferment date as stated in your transcript/diploma, to avoid misrepresenting your qualification. Cut it to one page. Use numbers when possible. I've been told 2 pages is a dump pile automatically. Is your major/overall GPA above a 3.0? I have 2 internships and 4 jobs, a couple of personal projects, two education items and a couple of competitions. It's great if you enjoy hiking or playing Polly Pocket Dress-up - it doesn't belong on your resume unless an employer/application specifically says to list it. Link to your github, bitbucket, or where ever else (your blog or online portfolio) the reader can go to look at the source, find more information about your projects, etc. Please, no Comic Sans, Papyrus, or even Courier, unless you are trying to make a statement. Even if you’re highly qualified for a position, failing to optimize your resume for … You should read our Resume FAQ and implement any changes from that before you ask for more advice.. Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk. This is really pretty! Don't put that as the first thing though, even though it would make you stand out. I was thinking specifically for hiring interns but rereading the thread that is not necessarily what we are talking about. I'm gonna use one of them for the next career fair! I won't say that computer science is a who you know field, but when you know the right people, doors open up. Objectives are less common nowadays than career summaries, but if you can create an objective that stands out, it can help get your resume to the top of the pile. When comparing applicants, the university name is likely to speak more to your capabilities than the degree name (which is probably some variation of "B.S. Bagged groceries and received cashier training. [–]tedbradly 0 points1 point2 points 6 years ago (1 child). A certified professional career coach (CPCC) and resume writer (CPRW), Amanda has been helping professionals improve their careers for over 10 years. References on a resume? HackerRank style video interview with an engineer. Use bullets! List all bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees (or equivalent), not just the highest or most recent one. Be sure to read this FAQ page first and revise your resume before posting to the thread. For coding competitions and rankings that can change over time, list the date when that status was first achieved. Drop any employment not strictly related to the job you're applying for. What the fuck else are you going to throw in there? I used to work in a resume counseling center (not a counselor, but picked up plenty of tips) and I researched a ton on how to make a resume effective, though most of that is in the way you word the content. You're welcome to heed the advice or not. Your call center resume objective should be clearly defined, original, and to the point. Example: Java (Proficient), C++ (Prior experience). See the screenshot below for what I found worked the best. With those two factors, it’s likely the person reading the resume will glaze right over Kaitlyn’s resume, and move on to the next resume. I think some students here on Reddit tend to be over-achievers with a bunch of internships, projects, experience, like you whereas in college, that's not always the case? For example, you might want to focus on web technologies and frameworks for a front/back end web development job; another example would be applying to a hardware job, you could focus on experience with oscilloscopes, JTAGs, in-target probes, etc. My acceptance letter says my internship is contingent on me reaching a 3.0, even though I was accepted with a 2.65. That's about all the salient features, perhaps. [–]n1c0_dsSoftware Engineer 1 point2 points3 points 6 years ago* (5 children). 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