Chronic rhinitis and sinusitis cases with nose blockage and a feeling of pressure/fullness at the root of the nose are also treated well with Kali Bichromicum. Possible nose bleeds, runny nose during the day, blocked nose at night. A fetid smell from nose attends nasal blockage. I always have a feeling of a lump in the left side of my throat which feels difficult to swallow, but food and drink go down with no problems. A blocked nose is a sign of nasal congestion, which is a fairly common complaint. It also helps shrink the polyps and relieve the nasal blockage. The nostrils may become enlarged. Pharmaceutical form The key symptoms that indicate the need for this remedy are a nasal blockage that is worse upon lying down, and blockage of the nostril on the side on which the person is lying. Agraphis Nutans is an effective medicine for children who have blocked nose from enlarged adenoids. Arsenic Album is used to treat a blocked nose with profuse burning nasal discharge cases of influenza. Otorhinolaryngology is the branch of medicine and surgery that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the ears, nose and throat (ENT), as well as head and neck disorders. It gives excellent results in cases of a blocked nose due to nasal polyps. They are entirely bland and tend to be offensive. A stuffy nose may be accompanied by other symptoms like nasal discharges (watery, fluent or thick), sneezing, postnasal discharge, itching/irritation in the nostrils and temporary loss of the sense of smell. Swallowing difficult. Nasal blockage obstructs breathing, watery or thick yellow nasal discharges may be present, and the blockage may get aggravated from exposure to cold air. 2. A sore throat. Constant sneezing, a blocked nose, facial pain and sinus headaches are some of the symptoms which those suffering from chronic sinusitis are all too familiar with. Belladonna: Dry cough with redness of face, eyes, sore throat. then every 2 weeks or less i get a blocked nose and generally feel crappy like i have a flu coming but it never comes. Tickling in nostrils and sneezing accompany the above symptoms. Dissecting room sore throat. In the evening and at night. This medicine is considered first when the patient initially complains of a sudden sore throat. Ashok Kumar says: May 7, 2018 at 10:55 am ... No nasal discharge but polyps has grown causes blockage. Gelsemium is indicated for a wide range of symptoms including exhaustion leading to the flu, sneezing, sore throat, flushing, aching, trembling, heavy eyes, and absence of thirst even in high temperatures. The pain in throat becomes worse when you swallow anything. A crawling, creeping or scraping sensation in the nose, oversensitivity to strong … The most important causes of a chronic stuffy nose are nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis/hay-fever), nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis, chronic nasal cold/ catarrh/rhinitis, DNS (deviated nasal septum), and enlarged adenoids. It is beneficial for treating a blocked nose accompanied by sneezing. A crusty discharge from the nose, peculiar violent crawling sensation in the nostrils and sneezing may be present. Sinus pain and pressure is frequent. A cold is a mild viral infection of the nose, throat, sinuses and upper airways. For Stuffy Cold. A great aversion to drink with the sore throat is characteristic. Teucrium also works well in cases where nasal blockage persists even after the removal of nasal polyps. Nux Vomica – For Blocked Nose at Night and Runny Nose during the Day. Arum Triphyllum is the best cure when the discharge from the nose is mostly of an acrid and excoriating type, with a sharp unpleasant smell and feeling. Sambucus is also well indicated to treat dry coryza in infants with a dry nose and severe nasal obstruction. There is an excellent scope to treat a nasal congestion in the homeopathy system of medicine. Natrum Mur is a natural cure for cold-allergy that causes nasal blockage. If you have a feeling like your ears are blocked and have difficulty in sleeping it could be due to enlarged adenoids which are one of the most common causes of illness in children. It is suitable for people who complain of a stuffed nose at night and runny nose during the day. Lac Caninum is an effective remedy for a blocked sensation that alternates sides. Copious watery nasal discharge, an itching, and tickling in the nostrils, a frontal headache and oversensitivity to odors may be present along with other symptoms. early years makes it more difficult for children to learn in later years and they fever stomach ache and red swollen tonsils. The key indications for using Pulsatilla are nasal blockage that is worse indoors and during the evening. The person often is thirsty for cold drinks and feels better from massage. ... pain in eyes and nasal discharge with a blocked nose. Chronic sore throat, with the sensation of a lump in the throat. Thanks so much for your help, Write To Dr. Sharma and get a reply on how Homeopathy can help you. There may be a temporary loss of the sense of smell. Discharge begins from one side of the blocked nose and the side previously having mucus discharge gets obstructed. Nux Vomica – Best Homeopathic Treatment for Blocked Nose In some cases, alternating fluent and dry inflammation of the mucous membranes, and a watery discharge from the eyes may be present. A tendency to catch a cold easily is often noted in people who need this remedy. Below is a list of the medicines that are used in homeopathy to treat sore throats: 1. Symptoms such as -Breathing through the mouth, nasal blockage during the night, a feeling of suffocation while sleeping, and nasal blockage due to the accumulation of thick fluid in the nostrils are indicative of its use. Salt-water rinse helps break nasal congestion, while also removing bacteria and virus particles from your nose. Amylmetacresol BP. It started after being sick with Flu and has not gone away since. Sambucus is a natural remedy prepared from fresh leaves and flowers of a plant called “Elder.” The natural order of this plant is Caprifoliaceae. I am 73 now, and came to USA/Canada when I was 26. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A sore throat and bad breath, resulting from drainage dripping down the back of the throat, may also occur. Both acute, as well as chronic cases of a stuffy/blocked nose, can be effectively treated in homeopathy. The sneezing is most marked during the morning. : Common cold after getting wet, with feverish feeling and body ache. Fever in Adults causes and when it is a problem and a doctor needs to be called. Comments are moderated and may take up to 24 hours to appear. The best Homeopathic Remedies for sore throat are Belladonna, Hepar Sulph and Phosphorus. Salt water Gargle. These symptoms often come with a feeling of dullness in the head and a sore throat. These medicines for the treatment of nasal blockage are of natural origin and can be safely used by people of all age groups. Usual symptoms are: one runny one blocked nostril, laryngitis and hoarseness. Rapid progress of the sore throat. Blocked nose with post nasal drip and pus is coming out of the left nose. Sticta works well in cases of a blocked nose where a stuffed feeling is present at the root of the nose. Qualitative and quantitative composition. A person needing Ammonium Carb tend to experience nasal blockage at night along with suffocation and mouth breathing. Dr Keith Souter gives a rundown on homeopathic remedies suitable for ear, nose and throat problems such as nasal polyps, nosebleeds, allergic rhinitis, sore throats, sinusitis, earache and vertigo. Lived in Holland and then in the middle-east for the next 15 yrs without allergies. Nux vomica is a very efficient remedy with colds accompanied by symptoms such as nasal discharge resembling egg white, headache, sneezing and weakened sense of smell and taste. In some cases, nasal discharge may be blood-stained, and the nose may be sore to touch. 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl alcohol HSE. Allium cepa 30: Cold from rainy weather; profuse, watery discharge from the nose as well as the eyes-while the discharge from the nose is acrid (causing burning), that from the eyes is bland; the nose starts flowing in a warm room but stops flowing in open air; the cold may be accompanied by irritating/painful cough which compels the person to grasp the throat. Normally, the physician may try visually examining your ears and nasal cavity. It also helps to fight with throat infection.It works as a antibiotics for sore throat. 1.2mg. There is an alteration of this condition on both sides of the nose. The nasal discharge may be acrid, sharp, or burning. Homeopathic medicines are often effective in treating the acute symptoms of a sore throat, though professional constitutional care is usually necessary to cure chronically recurring sore throats. It can be used when the throat appears inflamed with a burning sensation, when you have dry throat and cough. Ammonium Carb is a natural remedy to treat a congested nose. I love to hear from you if you could recommend homeo medicine and dosage, especially considering my age. Strepsils Sore Throat and Blocked Nose Lozenges. Scarlet fever may occur and this is a strep throat accompanied by a rash . (c) 1997-2019 Homeopathy Plus – Ph: +61 02 4304 0822 / email: office(at) – 7B/1 Pioneer Avenue Tuggerah NSW 2259, View our privacy policy and disclaimer here. Keith Souter looks at homeopathic medicines suitable for common ear, nose & throat problems. Sore Throat Remedies. Arum triphyllum is an excellent homeopathy medicine for cold and sore throat discharge if there is ichorous fluid from the nose: Nasal discharge in case of this homeopathic remedy is acrid in nature. However, there may be dryness in the nostrils. The nasal blockage is most marked during the morning. Homeopathy for Sore Throat. A runny nose is mostly worse in a warm room and better in the open air. Have had pollen allergies since arriving in North America – resulting in seasonal stuffy and runny nose. Black Pepper. In some people, this can be a chronic condition that develops as a result of a long-standing underlying nasal complaint. Homeopathic Nux Vomica - NOSE indications, uses & symptoms from 12 cross linked materia medicas. The nasal blockage is intense and makes breathing through the nose difficult. Antibiotic medications are often opted for but homeopathic treatment is the best solution to gain long-lasting relief. Sore throats caused or aggravated by dryness are often relieved simply by reducing room heat, running a humidifier, and remembering to take frequent sips of liquid. It also works very effectively in cases of allergic rhinitis. A loss of sense of smell and taste is often present with the above symptoms. The nature of post nasal drip is thick, ropy, stringy, and tenacious. Levomenthol natural or synthetic EP. Great soreness from the swelling and increased sensitivity of the back of the throat. The nasal discharge is acrid, and it irritates the nostrils and upper lip. The nasal fluid is copious, thin, watery and burning. Silicea is a well-indicated natural cure for sinusitis and associated nasal congestion. Hoarseness often follows. Homeopathy has a wonderful ability to reduce sinus in long-term sufferers by reducing sinus inflammation and mucous production. It works effectively in cases where the nose feels obstructed with fluent coryza. A crawling, creeping or scraping sensation in the nose, oversensitivity to strong odors, and intense sneezing may also be present. The main symptoms of a cold include a sore throat, blocked or runny nose, sneezing, cough etc. This feeling of obstruction is worse during the night, causing disturbed sleep. Arsenicum Sore Throat Gum Homeopathy Sore Nose Blocked Throat your laryngitis may be caused by. Colds with clear nasal discharge like egg-white, sneezing (which is often worse in the morning), headache, and a diminished sense of smell or taste may respond to this remedy. Belladonna is an ideal homeopathic medicine when pain in the throat is present with cold. Hello Dr. Sharma, I am Neil John (of India Origin). Agraphis Nutans is prepared from the fresh plant called “Bluebell.” This plant belongs to the family Liliaceae. The nasal discharges are thick, greenish or yellowish – green in color. Sabadilla is prepared from the seeds of a plant named “Sabadilla Officinalis,” of the natural order Melanthaceae of Liliaceae. Aconitum. It is officially Flu season in Canada! Pulsatilla is a wonderful remedy for treating a blocked nose in cases of chronic cold (rhinitis). Subscribe here. thirstless, loss of smell. Heat, In the sun. Burning and smarting in the nostrils is also present. About 15% - 40% of sore throats in children are related to strep. Along with a runny nose, frequent sneezing is prominent. Ammonium Carb, Teucrium, and Natrum Mur are the top homeopathic remedies for nasal congestion. The feeling of fullness in the ears can be disturbing and you may also have a sensation that there is water in your ears . It is suitable for people who complain of a stuffed nose at night and runny nose during the day. Rich, fatty foods. Hi for the past 6 months or so i have been having this problem. Baptisia – useful remedy for ulcerated sore throat, with excessively offensive odor from the parts. A person needing Dulcamara has severe blockage of the nose during the wet season. Available 3X-30X, 3C-30C, 200C, 1M-100M, 30C, 200CH Dulcamara is most useful for treating nasal blockages appearing in wet weather. Dryness is a prominent symptoms. I can't breath throgh my mouth, it's annoying. In addition, blocked or stuffy nose can affect the pressure in your ears and cause popping, clicking or crackling sounds as well as a sore throat. Raising hands above the head. People who need this remedy often … Symptoms of the Flu: Sore Throat Chills Fever Blocked/ Runny Nose Sinusitis Muscle and Joint pains Headaches/ Migraines Fatigue What is Homeopathy/ Homeopathic Remedies Homeopathy is an Alternative system of Medicines Homeopathy Treats each individual by enhancing there body’s … The mucus from the nose is typically profuse, greenish, yellow and blood-streaked. Learn about homeopathy, a fascinating holistic system of medicine. Binding the head gives relief from the headache. Sabadilla Sensation of a lump or foreign body in the throat with a constant inclination to swallow, better by hot drinks. Dulcamara is a medicine prepared from a plant called ‘Woodly Nightshade’ or ‘Bittersweet.’ It belongs to the family Solanaceae. 2. Rhus tox. Cold drinks, cold compresses. And in spite of a running nose, the nose feels blocked. Euphrasia is very helpful for a blocked nose if there are eruptions over the nose. With the right constitutional remedies, chronic cases of a congested nose can be treated for long-term relief. Nux Vomica tops the list of medicines to cure a stuffy cold where the nose feels completely blocked. Constant sneezing may also appear. At a given time, one side of the nose is stuffed, and there is a discharge of thin mucus from the other. Sore throat and runny nose are the symptoms of not just common cold but a few other health conditions too. 2. In some cases, watery discharge from the nose is present. A thin, watery nasal discharge with nasal obstruction and violent sneezing are the key symptoms for using this medicine. Diagnosis of a sinusitis condition is usually done by signs and symptoms as well as certain physical tests. Magnesia Carb While I can manage resulting colds, my major complaint is “nasal congestion” which results in breathing through the mouth. Every bout of flu or the common cold brings with it a certain degree of nasal congestion. However when I was 54, I had a posting in Nerherlands (below sea level), and lived along sea beaches – and all the allergies disappeared! These symptoms can also include a high temperature (fever), headache and aching muscles. Natrum arsenicosum. Kali bichromicum is one of the best solutions for later stages of cold, when a person may feel pain in nose and throat, or hoarse coughing followed by thick mucus in throat. Black pepper contains an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial property which provides relief from upper respiratory tract infection, cough, cold and sore throat. 3. For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1. Additionally, the child may experience aching muscles, difficulty in swallowing, runny nose, dizziness, and chills. The blockage is most marked at the root of the nose. Baptisia is useful in ulcerated sore throat, with excessively offensive odor from the parts. Headache above eyes: Crying and Sympathy. Nux Vomica is a prominently indicated medicine for treatment of blocked nose. Natrum muriaticum. Most common and easy remedy to use. Dr Keith Souter gives a rundown on homeopathic remedies suitable for ear, nose and throat problems such as nasal polyps, nosebleeds, allergic rhinitis, sore throats, sinusitis, earache and vertigo. Nux vomica. Kali Bichromicum is also indicated in cases of nasal blockage where there are thick, lumpy, stringy greenish nasal secretions. Homeopathy For Women ... worse from swallowing when liquids and even food are ejected through the nose. Dryness of the throat, tonsils swollen and enlarged. Learn about homeopathy, a fascinating holistic system of medicine. It also helps in nasal blockage due to the formation of dry hard crusts in nostrils which tend to bleed when loosened. This tea is very powerful for sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, congestion and; 8. In addition, more chronic problems affecting the ears and nose such as perennial rhinitis, nasal polyps, and some cases of tinnitus will often respond very well to homeopathic intervention.”, More Information: Healing the Interconnected Anatomy of the Ear, Nose, and Throat, Tags: ear, eye, health, homeopath, homeopathic, homeopathic remedy, homeopathy, medicine, nasal polyps, nose, polyps, problems, remedy, throat. Phosphorus: A remedy for people whose colds easily attack their lungs.