That man was Prince Clemens Metternich who in 1809 became the Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs. This resulted in “semi-starvation”. Bruell, Geschichte, p. 24 as quoted by Katz, Jacob. Then Theosophical President Besant, who published the largest English paper strongly criticized British rule in her newspapers and eventually was arrested . Control over the U.S. Fed is basically control over the world’s money. Also in this vein read Mullins, Eustice. Also, a bulk of unpaid debts to the Rothschilds by the failed Ottoman Empire gave the family more control over Palestine. The French and English Houses contributed over $1 million to Israel around the time of the Six-Day War. Hitier was a member of the most powerful occultic secret society in Germany. It appears from the details available, Hitler was groomed for his role, without realizing his heritage at first . As the reader remembers, Amsel placed his sons in the major European capitals, where they each set up the principal banking houses. Out of the battle of chaos would come a new order reminding us of the Masonic slogan “Order out of Chaos.” If the thesis were like a hammer and the antithesis like an anvil, what was caught in between would be broken or reshaped . The House of Rothschild practices gnostic-satanism (the Rothschilds would probably not call themselves satanists, but by our standards they are, considering the sacrificial and spiritual worship involved). (8a) The Rothschilds have been Satanists for many generations. Satan told his followers this 1992-99 tribulation would repeat on a larger scale the plagues of Egypt, for he would wreck revenge for what was done to Egypt by God (and Moses) by giving back in a bigger way to the world what happened to ancient Egypt . Explained one biographer: “No one foresaw the fall of France. 5. Amselm Rothschild indicated that his grandfather Amschel Mayer Rothschild had insisted in Clause 15 of his will to his children, “may they and their descendants remain constantly true to their ancestral Jewish faith.” (20) However, the will has been secret and there is no way of knowing what it says. Edouard was a director of the Bank of France. pp. A persistent myth is that he made the bulk of his fortune by manipulating the stock exchange with this knowledge. Three Illuminati families stand out in the creation of the Round Table groups, which then became the RIIA and the CFR and related groups. The main article by David Smith covered the 18th and 19th centuries of Rothschild power. His son, Colonel Edward M. House was one of the main Illuminati figures to control America during the early 20th Century. Although the Rothschilds make up part of the Rothschild bloodline, people should also watch out for names such as Bauer, Bowers, Sassoons, and many other last names. "Betty Dodson’s Feminist Sex Wars". Weizmann was on better terms with #1 Edmond than his predecessor, Herzl. Then, (very possibly under Rothschild direction) Bismarck began to try to put a German prince on the Spanish throne. The “brilliant” plan given in detail to the Illuminati was to create a thesis and its opposite called the antithesis . You are a den of vipers. Your email address will not be published. For 5 months in early 1907, J.P. Morgan was in Europe, traveling back and forth between London and Paris, presumably visiting the Rothschild House’s there. In fact, the six-pointed star was so significant to them that Mayer Amschel Bauer decided to adopt it as his new name – Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Rot-schildt = Red Shield). In seven weeks the war was over, Bismarck had crushed the Austrians. Gandhi and other Indian leaders were involved in Besant being made the President of the Indian Congress Party. Ten years later he became the partner of the Illuminati firm Kuhn, Loeb & Company. (11) Because the Rothschilds were Satanists they adopted this powerful magic symbol in 1822 for their coat- of-arms. He owns Banque Privee in Switzerland, and a merchant bank in Paris. The Illuminati goal had been to split the U.S. into two easier to control nations. The first governor of the FED’s board of directors was Paul Warburg. One club in Austria refused him membership because be was a Jew. Many of these events revolve around the Rothschild infiltration of the Thurn and Taxis postal system. He was known as Don Juan de Rothschild. It also controlled, with the British House, the Baku oil fields in Russia, which made the Rothschilds the main competitors of the Rockefeller trust. According to Rex’s own words, he grew up in a secret Satanic family and was baptized to Satan as a child. Jacob Schiff arrived in New York in 1865. Through the promotion of the Cabalists and the Zionists it has become the symbol of Jewish identity, although the occult circles know better. Around this time Mayer Amschel Bauer-Rothschild got sick. The Dulles brothers were acting as legal representatives of Schiff and Warburg’s Kuhn, Loeb & Co, which was an Integral part of the Rothschild network. The elite wanted America in the war. Brazil was the Rothschild’s “preserve” in South America, as Argentina was the “preserve” of London’s other major banking family – the Barings. Edmond carried out a series of actions which dropped the value of BankCal’s stock drastically. THE MERCHANT BANKERS. Quotes. Miller, Edith Star. pp. Napoleon will do exactly and all that I shall advise him. Tucson, AR. Constance Cumbey correctly notices that the New Age movement resembles Nazism exactly to a T . “Natty stood for finance, Alfred for the arts, Leo for sport.” Son of the Queen, the Prince of Whales Albert College, Cambridge. Evelyn of the English House is chairman of the Board of Governors of the Technion, Israel’s Institute of Technology. He was more stately and complimentary than the others. Charles T. Russell sent a letter to Lord Rothschild that praised him for his work towards a Jewish homeland. Farben Company… ,,Standard Oil Company … sent $2,000,000 here in December, 1933 and has made $500,000 a year helping Germans limprove hydrogenation technology] … ,,The International Harvester Company president told me their business here rose 33% year, but they could take nothing [earnings] out [except in goods]. If you are a hit man a large amount of money is yours if you kill your target, who will pay you if you would miss your target? Prince William was the grandson of King George II of England. James was also made an Austrian consul in Paris. September 19, 1812, Frankfurt) and his five sons, Amschel Mayer (b. June 12, 1773, Frankfurt—d. 8a. dir. Alchemy is a threefold art, its mystery well symbolized by a triangle.” (The Secret Teachings of All Ages, pg CLIV-ul) – Manly P Hall also states in his book on magic entitled Magic, “… [the] pentagram. Chapter 2.11 gives the names of a Witchcraft Council of 13 which is under Rothschild control and in turn issue orders to various groups. Club Mediterranean was created out of the idea that others of the elite would enjoy seaside playgrounds like those he and his mother cavorted at when he was a youngster. George Herbert Walker Bush: September 11, 1990: “Out of these troubled times, our objective—a new world order—can emerge. In business Lord Natty was very conservative. Napoleon III was now in power in France and his advisors were the enemies of James. The Baron Rothschild began the construction of a pyramid in Napa Valley, which his wife completed after he died. It is true that they are in intense competition in some areas. He had the reputation of being a kind man. The Kaiser of Germany seems to refer to them when he said, “the magic powers of money as wielded by the Lord of Lucre are powers of Black Magic at its blackest.” (51). 16. Alchemy was really a front for the mystery religion of Satanic witchcraft. A year and a half later his parents died. Rothschild connections to the first worid war are an excellent example of controlled conflict. It was paving the way towards Rothschild financial freedom. This list is not current, and no attempt was to provide that. If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James [Rothschild], and one for you, Lionel [Rothschild]. Blavatsky was a student of the Mason Anton Mesmer, who introduced the world to hypnotism. Some of the occult Items which private visitors saw within the pyramid were: a book on wine depicting orgies by Salvadore Dailey who is a Satanist, a blue-black picture with naked ritual dancers, and other strange occultic pieces of art (such as an oil painting of what looked like Satan). Both connected to Schiff, J.P. Morgan, Jr, and the House of Rothschild. To avoid confusion I will number them: The story begins with #1 Edmond, the “Father of Israel”. Gentz is an interesting character. Although the exact content’s of Mayer’s Will have been kept secret, one edict is clear. Out of the battle between the two would emerge the synthesis . Consider this – he probably had satanic bloodline, he had the backing of a powerful satanic society, he had sold his soul to Satan, and he had the financial backing of the Illuminati. 25. This system was eventually so effective that the Rothschilds became the best and fastest informed individuals in the world. The story of what Edmond Rothschild (full name is Edmond Adolphe Jules Jacques Maurice Baron de Rothschild) did with BankCal expose to the world that men like the Rothschilds do not have to play by the same rules as everyone else. Out of the first world war came: (1) A secure Satanic dictatorship in Russia, a secure base to carry out further world subversion. By 1855 all five brothers were dead except James. The Burschenschaft eventually fell apart. One biographer described him as “punchy”. Less than a year later he was assassinated. 46. This subject is so massive that it will only be touched on. The House of Hesse is still a powerful force in Germany. His wife, Maria Perugia, was the sister of Mrs. Arthur Sassoon. Every day we present the best quotes! Still my search continues for descendants of the Rothschilds who are willing to expose what the Rothschilds are all about. Source of quote given in the book. The book from that propaganda site is garbage, the author did not do the research. The Reign of the House of Rothschild, p. 405. How many of their devious plans have succeeded I do not know. The humorous side of studying an elite IllumInati family is the biographer’s insistence on owing the family’s ability to profit from circumstances as “luck.’ They never seem to put two and two together. The Payseurs are part of the i 3th top Illuminati family. To call the conspiracy “Jewish” is ignorant. During the tour this group saw many occult and satanic items, and yet large areas of the winery (temple) were closed off to even this private tour group. Jews and Freemasons in Europe 1723- 1939. ]; they also understood how to make use of it.” (p.47) [Somewhat akin to how money could be made off of knowing the future.] This opening is extremely unusual for a winery in the Napa Valley area. The Queen and Alice remained friends, and the Queen nicknamed Alice ,,The Al Powerful” “Alice … reigns absolutely,” wrote a cousin. Anselm had many mistresses and his wife left him because of his adultery. The most incredible example of Nathan’s devious schemes is a job he would later describe as the best business he had ever done. Gutle Schnaper Rothschild, the wife of Mayer Rothschild. Napoleon made Dalberg Primate of the new Confederation of the Rhine, which included Frankfort. The Baron Mayer de Rothschild was a member of Parliament (never made a speech), and loved horse breeding and racing. When the French ended up pitted against the Holy Roman Empire, the prices of imported goods skyrocketed, and importing goods from England was a Rothschild specialty. In my Introduction I covered some about their secret power, their power in Latin America, and their secret power to manipulate financial things without playing the same rules as others play. . Some people object that the conspiracy of Power is labelled Jewish rather than Satanic by certain concerned citizens. Later the Baron Rothschild told Weizmann: “Without me Zionism would not have succeeded, but without Zionism my work would have been struck to death.” Another Rothschild embraced Zionism through Weizmann – Lionel Walter, the second Lord Rothschild (apparently this upset some relations). Metternich was a fierce enemy of the revolutionary fires that were spreading through Europe. The family stance is publicized as “pro-Jewish”, and they have given abundant charity to Jewish causes. The religious idea that the British people are descended from the tribes of Israel doesn’t automatically place people into the camp of the conspiracy. On a day to day basis the biggest way the Rothschilds touch the lives of Americans are the three major networks which are under Rothschild direction. Napoleon will do exactly and all that I shall advise him. The Jewish communities in Europe used a secret relay system between all the Ghettoes. Every Christmas he presented them with a “handsome cheque,” and any officer could receive a four course meal at his home. Jeffrey J. Rothschild, an American businessman now in his mid-sixties, is a successful engineer, entrepreneur, and former Facebook vice president whose net … Jean Marc Vemes, a buddy of Edmond. But what kind of Judaism do the Rothschilds support? (trans. John Herries brought Gentz and the Rothschilds together. Prince William was an intelligent man who loved to make money. As one biographer put it “Napoleon seemed bent on Improving the Rothschild’s lot in life.” Even though Napoleon was not purposely doing It, the conditions he created were of great benefit. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I chose them to write about in the book, because the family is the most renown of the Satanic families and the easiest to expose to people just becoming acquainted with what is going on. #1 Edmond picked up his fathers interest in Palestine. Some of Rothschild’s secret proxies paid slightly higher prices. It has been said by an Illuminati informant that the Krupp ramily is part of the Illuminati. Mayer began bribing Prince William’s servants to become informants. Quantrill, who was a famous Confederate colonel and guerilla leader, whose band of raiders evolved into the Jessie James gang was married into the Springs (Rothschild) family. At this point I must clarify something for the reader. --Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” --Gutle Schnaper Rothschild. It is no accident then, that once they established world financial control, they would do all in their power to divide and conquer and destroy both the Christian and the Moslem faith in God. The great poet-philosopher Heinrich Heine (a Banker’s son) said, “Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet.” (6) Following the cue of the Rothschilds, Heinrich Heme, a Jew, signed his name by drawing a Seal of Solomon. David Smith who has written the following article on the Rothschilds for this newsletter asked me to explain in this introduction about Rothschild and the Round Table Group. In other words the grandmother of the Nazi Party was the Masonic Lodges in Germany. The firm met in the New Court building and for the sake of brevity will be referred to as New Court. Lionel’s brother Anthony – who described the Rothschilds as “complete slaves to business – married a Montefiore, and was knighted by the Queen – thus Sir Anthony de Rothschild. It founded industries ranging from scent factories to glass works, form wine cellars to bottle manufacturers. The Rothschild banking house in Frankfurt, Germany, M. A. von Rothschild und Söhne, closes as there is no male Rothschild heir to take it on. Its total garbage. The new head of the House of Rothschild was Baron Alphonse de Rothschild. Just north of San Francisco and east of the Bohemian Grove is the Napa Valley of California. King David did not have anything to do with the hexagram, although his son Solomon did when he began worshipping Ashtoreth (star, also known as Astarte, Chiun, Kaiwan, Remphan, and Saturn). They have indebted Kings, manipulated kingdoms, created wars and molded the very shape of the international world. The reason why the British Empire was destroyed was that Satan had already determined even before 1870 that the steps to world government would include setting up around 9 or 10 Continental blocs . Armstrong, George. In 1836 Nathan Rothschild, head of the House of Rothschild, died (he may have been poisoned). Carroll Quigley, professor of International Relations at the Jesuit Georgetown University, exposed the Round Table Group with his book Tragedy and Hope. There are more items than what have been mentioned above linking the Rothschilds to the various tenticles. The Rothschild coat-of-arms includes a fist clutching five arrows, a reference to Mayer's five sons. Such an abrupt shift in a stock’s trading pattern is supposed to set off alarms with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Men like Falwell are the type that this Author finds reference to repeatedly in Jewish documents that speak of their power within the Fundamentalists. De Bretteville had originally asked two English Rothschild cousins if they wanted to purchase the stock. The FED has been an effective tool of the Illuminati and the Rothschilds, creating crisis such as the Great Depression (which J.P. Morgan, Jr was very involved in creating). The other family which has a chapter devoted to it is the Russell family, which is described in chapter 1. The important thing for us is to begin to experience the Kingdom of God right now . father sent him away to apprentice. The Hesse-Cassel’s were one of the richest royal houses in Europe. The manufactured Pearl Harbor attack allowed Roosevelt to enter America into the war. He worked there for 7 years, learning the ins and out of money. Napoleon III suffered a terrible defeat. Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Under this roof are the heads of the family of Rothschild - a name famous in every capital of Europe and every division of the globe. It was these same families [Rothschild, Rockefeller, Harriman, Bush, etc] who funded the eugenics movement which is pledged to remove the lower genetic blood streams and leave only those of superior stock. The business of financing Monarchs was lucrative. Baron Edouard and Robert had close business dealings with J.P. Morgan. For this reason some people think Mckinley’s death was ordered by J.P. Morgan and the Rothschilds. Vol. He was good friends with Thomas Buxton, the anti-slavery leader. New York. Lionel’s next brother, Nathaniel, was the father of the Mouten Rothschilds. The cartel created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminate the Jews. Re: “Focus on Rothschild wealth has whiff of anti-Semitism”, Have Your Say, June 27. Thus the creation of the Foreign Relations Institutions – the CFR., RIIA, etc. It is no secret that the Rothschilds play a major rode in International Bankers, and that various Rothschilds like Lord Victor Rothschild have played major roles in MI6. The House of Thurn and Taxis was of the Black Nobility. “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” Gutle Schnaper, wife of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and mother of his five sons ... TOP 10 QUOTES THAT REVEAL THEIR CRIMES.