The power of Generation Z, a demographic born between 1995 and 2003, has started to penetrate the Chinese personal luxury goods market in 2018. Since... Limitless options, but limited time. Over the past six weeks, we’ve been releasing episodes of a limited video series called Demystifying Gen Z, produced in partnership with WAYV. In fact, Gen Zers surveyed by Ipsos and Google chose YouTube as their number-one way to cheer up and relax. Here’s what we know about Generation Z vs Millennials’ media consumption habits, and what it means for publishers looking to create video content that resonates: 1. Understanding the mentality and purchasing pattern of the Gen Z group is still growing and will take some more years to deliver a definitive assessment. Every Monday, hundreds of marketers tuned in for a concise, informative video, capturing a wide range of Gen Zers thoughts on a particular topic. Uncovering Youth & Students. Especially, in case of a brand, they will welcome and stand by it, but there has to be a fair balance between these and not come across as a force-fit. Born and grown up at a time of prosperity … (Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.). 3. This year, Gen Z will surpass millennials as the largest generation. Given Gen Z consumers’ affinity for all things digital and their reliance on stores, it’s especially important for brands and retailers to blend the online and offline worlds when engaging with Gen Z. The findings come from Adobe’s latest report into the UK’s content consumption habits, which found the UK average for content consumption is 6.9 hours. Gen Z is demonstrating the largest increase in media consumption during the Coronavirus outbreak, according to research by GlobalWebIndex across 13 markets. Unleash Real Intelligence From Your First-Party Data, How to Coexist and Cocreate With Other Agencies, surpass millennials as the largest generation, © 2020 Adweek, LLC. Myself being a part of this generation, aged 17, I find it normal to have used technology from a very young age. A majority of Gen Z is now in college, or recently graduated, with some advancing straight into the workforce. What you need to know about marketing to Gen Z, hosted by Similarly, half of Gen X respondents reported that they play video games frequently, almost matching Gen Z and millennial respondents. Be it creating a product or content, the value and authenticity of the output is much appreciated and the possibility of going ‘viral’ and reaching out to additional people is more likely. Or in Generation Z’s case, the ability to multi-multitask. It is important to understand the niche audience and create content as relevant as possible for the audience. Most of Generation Z comprises the children of Gen X, although some may be children of later Baby Boomers. Generations Y and Z are the first media consumers to emerge with interactive media as the predominant means by which they ‘consume’ messages. Gen Z and the content consumption game The actual ‘mobile’ natives. Episode 6: What do They Look for in a Brand? 3. CMO by Adobe. Indeed, media consumption has been largely affected by generational nuances. These changes have created a never-known-before generation where all the businesses are revolutionising at warp speed to connect to these savvy customers and understand their needs. This generation likes to consume something that they can all relate to. According to 2018 China’s Gen Z, White Paper by Kantar and Tencent, the average income of this generation is 3501 yuan/month, while the minimum wage standard of Shanghai in 2018 is 2420 … Gen Zers however, have other plans, ... With digital content consumption doubling since the pandemic began, the growth of social, e-commerce, and search ad spend are likely to continue. Whether these are good moments that they had experienced in their lives or even the ones which weren’t pleasant but they will not mind laughing over it when they encounter a similar fictional situation. Generation Z refers to those individuals who were born in the decade following the widespread emergence of the World Wide Web, from the mid-1990’s to the early 2000’s. And with ongoing advancements in mobile technology, more of these videos are watched on smartphones. To effectively reach young fans, data … According to YPulse’s most recent media consumption monitor survey, while Millennials still name TV as the screen they watch the most media content on weekly, smartphone is the top screen for Gen Z. Gen Z is the evolved entrepreneurial tech-natives: Being the first digital natives, Gen Z has grown up with technology and several studies refer that 55% of … Another survey by Whistle Sports – “Changing the Game: How Gen Z is Redefining Sports, Consumption & Sponsorship” – shows that Generation Z is redefining what we call sports, with a stronger gravitation to “non-traditional sports,” which they can watch online and then mimic with videos of their own. Gen Z, on the other hand, provides a constant opportunity to be reached and engaged; however, this can add a challenge of making sure that your marketing efforts don’t get drowned out or forgotten amidst the higher frequency of browsing, channels, and content. Decreasing data costs and the availability of a wide range of content has meant that while only 32% of Gen Z-ers were consuming even a single hour of video content on a daily basis in 2016, now, nearly three-fourths are doing it for more than 3 hours. Millennials are not the end of the generational transformation of consumption patterns. The members of Gen Z have all but abandoned traditional television viewing, opting to watch shows, movies and other digital content on their phones, tablets and laptops. More than half of Gen Zers use Snapchat at least 11 times a day , according to a recent study. GenZ will be the brand ambassador and willingly help in advocating it further through their social artillery. Immersed in the online world since birth, Gen Z surpasses Millennials in daily activity on social media with 2 hours 55 minutes spent per day. 65% of Gen Zers use Instagram daily and 62% of Gen Zers use YouTube daily. Strikingly, 71% of teens’ typical entertainment consumption is streaming, and one-third is viewed from a mobile device. It estimates that the demographic now totals 149 million people, and will account for 40 percent of global Gen-Z purchases by 2020. They believe that technology is a way of life and smart devices should be within an arm’s reach. They are also on track to be the most diverse, best-educated and a higher-earning generation than their predecessors. Here are a few tips which can come handy for companies while dealing and catering Gen Z. Gen Z likes content that could be consumed on the go. Music consumption provides another great example. Gen Zers are keenly aware when they are being sold to, so content bombarded with cold marketing and logos is going to fail with this generation. Beverages with higher consumption rates than coffee among these younger consumers are unflavored water, tap water, milk and soft drinks. They will also lead a new round of consumer culture, so superior luxury brands should integrate into and study their cultural phenomena, upgrade their brands, to continue to become a leading cultural brand.’ It is advisable to think through how the brand has to be positioned. IDM Fund: Production and Concept Definition Again, both generations reported that the genre of television they watch the most per week is comedy, with 44% of Gen Zers and 49% of Millennials claiming this genre as their go-to television video content. Taking a closer look at their tech habits, this generation prefers communicating over video calls, shops more online than any preceding generation, follows cooking videos and apps, invests on health matters in highly informed way, and mostly believes in security and stability when it comes to finances and careers. Understanding video audiences and opportunities for brands. Talks related to Understanding Gen Z: Content Consumption. 2: Tap into Emerging Content Formats. ‘By 2025, Gen-Z consumers in China will account for more than 55% of the total consumption of luxury brands. As Forbes puts it, the key to Gen Z is video content that’s relevant, meaningful, and authentic. The Gen Z is pretty choosy about the kind of content they consume and brands have their task cut out in delivering content that resonates with them. Gen Z’s primary motivation for consuming content is entertainment. According to the research, Generation Z spend a whopping 10.6 hours engaging with online content every single day. The report, Gen Z: The Culture of Content Consumption, is based on surveys of 14 to 22 year olds (Gen Z) from Ontario, conducted by VICE.Aside from this primary group of 500, an additional 150 individuals aged between 23-39 (Millennials) were … Insights, expertise and inspiration for and by digital leaders In fact, according to Trifecta Research, 59% of Gen Z video consumption is done via over-the-top (OTT) services as opposed to 29% for TV. If these trajectories are any indication, advertising budgets will only be getting more digital. Content marketers should take note of what types of videos engage Gen Z the best. 7 Steps To Building A Business With Cult Status . From reduced consumption to nights of Netflix and swill and a little bit of trend-chasing, these six facts will tell you what you need to know about Gen Z as drinkers. Generation Y and Generation Z are often combined and share many characteristics, most notably a savvy with … Episode 2: Do They Like the Retail Experience? As access becomes the new form of consumption, unlimited access to goods and services (such as car-riding services, video … Content Consumption, Shopping Habits and More By Nick Gardner | December 18, 2019 This year, Gen Z will surpass millennials as the largest generation. The two most popular platforms are Instagram and YouTube. Gen X and up, on the other hand, are much less likely to watch GVC (43%). 18. Generation Z owns more video game consoles than millennials – 73% compared to 66%. thinking has enabled Gen Z to create kaleidoscopic identities. Here’s a look at some of the key ways Generation Z will change consumption in the near future: Mobile-first The trend has been moving to mobile for a while, whether shopping, banking, accessing social media or any of the other digital habits we have today. It is a fact that brands are already interacting with this latest generation, either as employers or service providers. Gen Z: … As a matter of fact, Gen Z is witnessing a time when game-changing technological advancements are … Gen Z appreciates something that reflects values, principles and delivers a focused area which they can support. Gen Z even consumes shows and movies – in addition to their other video content - on their phones, tablets and laptops – and they do it for about 3.4 hours every day. For Gen Z—and increasingly for older generations as well—consumption means having access to products or services, not necessarily owning them. Reaching Gen Z: Creating Content For A Generation Of Content Creators. In Brief: 1: Drive In-store Traffic, Digitally While online shopping growth continues to outpace growth of brick-and-mortar,... 2: Tap into Emerging Content Formats Video games aren’t just about gaming anymore. Ability to multitask. Welcome Message. Gen Z is redefining "sports" as we know it, evidenced by 52% of young males spending more time watching trick shot and dice-stacking videos than traditional sports content. Money Heist, Game of Thrones or even TikTok are among the most popular content platforms now-a-days, but the common factor between these platforms is ‘unpredictably’. The survey 1,000 UK consumers found that the smartphone is by far the most popular method of content consumption. They are the most diverse generation, with almost half of them belonging to a minority group. Hence this makes a lot of difference in their perception of social, political, economic, innovation, business, lifestyle and many more. Products become services, and services connect consumers. Check out each of the videos in the series, below: Episode 1: Where the Next Generation Consumes Content. And most importantly, the way Generation Z is reshaping technology consumption. Ontario Film Commission. Advertising may need to be more deeply integrated into videos than just quick traditional ads. Generation Y and Generation Z are often combined Strikingly, 71% of … Also, 78% of Generation Z has a tablet in their home. While currently, a small cohort of this generation might be gaining purchasing power, it is critical for media and entertainment companies to understand how Gen Z consumes content. The 2017 NCDT Study found that coffee is not the most consumed beverage among Gen Z. UK millennials are spending 8.5 hours consuming content across all their devices, with Generation Z spending 10.6 hours, according to new research. In the past week, 39% of Gen Z women drank an espresso-based beverage compared to 29% of Gen Z men. The consumption ability of Chinese Generation Z is often underestimated by the brands because of their young age. While brands expressing their opinion are welcomed by this generation, there is a fine line between just expressing it and pushing it over to the viewers. Those topics ranged from content consumption and fashion influencers to brand loyalty, effective advertising, the retail experience and more. Being a mobile-first generation, Gen Z consumes much of their media on smartphones. Across all teens, 78% use a smartphone, while 87% of 18-24-year-olds use the device. Gen Z is a video-first generation, and they’re driving mobile video consumption. The report also revealed that consumers’ favourite way to […] If someone wants to make a certain point through their content, it is good to do it subtly, but going overboard or sounding preachy may backfire. So how does this affect Generation Z media consumption, and how does it compare to the millennial generation? 41% of Gen Z say Instagram is their preferred social media platform for following brands. Relevancy is one of the most prominent factors when you are focusing on a generation that is given to pragmatic thinking while discovering products/services. Generation Z Means More Digital, Mobile & Social for Financial Marketers Subscribe Now Get The Financial Brand Newsletter for FREE - Sign Up Now For decades, new accounts from younger consumers simply materialized through parents who spoon fed them to whichever institution had their business. Gen Z is the first group in history that has never known a world without the Internet. In fact, Chinese Generation Z will soon become the highest-level consumption group. For Gen Z—and increasingly for older generations as well—consumption means having access to products or services, not necessarily owning them. And with ongoing advancements in mobile technology, more of these videos are watched on smartphones. The research showed that the Gen Z mobile video consumption level was twice that among all heads of US broadband households. The top five social platforms that Gen Z is using are: YouTube (79%), Facebook (78%), Instagram (69%), Snapchat (68%) and Twitter (49%). Crowdsourcing has been pretty successful in recent years. Gen Z will soon surpass Millennials as the most populous generation on earth, with more than one-third of the world’s population counting themselves Gen Zers. 64% both whitened and sweetened their coffee (the highest segment to use both additives). Education/Learning Gen Z … Gen Z no longer forms opinions of a company solely based on the quality of their products/services but now on their ethics, practices and social impact. Generation Z (Gen Z), ranging in age from 15 to 24 is emerging to assert itself on the future of the United States. These unique, generation-specific interactions with media then provide brands invaluable insight into the technological consumption trends of both Millennials and Gen Zers. A new generation has arrived. According to Sweety High’s 2018 Gen Z Music Consumption & Spending Report, this generation listen to more diverse music than ever before with 97% of Gen Z females saying they listen to at least five musical genres on a regular basis. Mainstream beer … When questioned about which television content Millennials and Gen Zers watch weekly, the results were quite similar to the poll conducted about overall video content preferences. Yang Jing ( Gen Z is increasingly becoming the major force of consumption in China. By this point, it shouldn’t come as a shock that when it comes to consuming alcohol, Gen Z is doing it their own way. Video games aren’t just about gaming anymore. But refocusing your video content strategy to provoke Gen Z engagement is more than a short-term cash grab. These Generation Z social media trends are also an indication of the generation’s preference for visual over written content. The Gen Z is pretty choosy about the kind of content they consume and brands have their task cut out in delivering content that resonates with them. Gen Z tends to be more private than millennials, favoring ephemeral messaging apps over those that put their content out there for public consumption. The top five social platforms that Gen Z is using are: YouTube (79%), Facebook (78%), Instagram (69%), Snapchat (68%) and Twitter (49%). When appealing to Gen Z, remember that you are dealing with $44 billion dollars of spending power; a number that goes up to $600 billion when you consider the influence that Gen Z has on their parents’ financial habits. The key for companies is to be aware of the demands of the cohort and continuously provide them with their needs and interests to stay relevant and competitive. Their days are filled with academic and social stressors, and they turn to video to decompress. Millennials spend an average of 5.2 hours a day consuming content on their phones, compared to 5.9 hours for Gen Z. 6. They do … Gen Z. Gen Z, people ages 7-22, are most likely to watch videos on social media. Episode 5: Are Influencers Their Main Source of Fashion Inspo? Preferred Video Content Platforms One such generational difference in media consumption occurs in the preferred medium for video content … And if studies are something to go by, Gen Z consumes media in a … Advertising may need to be more deeply integrated into videos than just quick traditional ads. They prefer original cultural content including stories that have never been told, or a topic presented in a new way. For example, Gen Z audiences are twice as likely as Gen X and seven times more likely than Baby Boomers to be using audio streaming services like Spotify more. Today, organisations are making honest efforts to understand and communicate with this generation in an attempt to have a sustainable growth strategy driven by change and progress. They are able to understand that they hold a totally different approach while communicating, building network, review-based purchasing and connecting with brands that cater to more interactive content; and if the content or product seems to excite them, then the company could save on some marketing bucks on promoting it further. 65% of Gen Zers use Instagram daily and 62% of Gen Zers use YouTube daily. Other findings in the NCDT Study specifically related to Gen Z include: 20% of past-day coffee drinkers consumed a ready-to-drink coffee (in a bottle or can). With Gen Z, that's an anachronistic dream, thanks to Google and the omnipresent … 4. This is a trend that is set to continue and expand in 2019, making it highly necessary for luxury brands to observe and understand their consumption habits and motivations. As we wrap-up the year, we wanted to provide a singular place for you to view these videos - so here it is. 52% of Gen Z are more likely to watch a video all the way through if it makes them laugh. English language is the beginning of Gen Z’s influence. Keeping the content precise and avoiding unnecessary build-up helps create compact content. Most of Generation Z comprises the children of Gen X, although some may be children of later Baby Boomers. #1: Gen Z is Generation Moderation. “Generation Z is discerning,” says Jeff Froom, co-author of Marketing to Gen Z. Ways to relate to Gen Z in marketing and advertising Trifecta Research 2015 | Privileged and Confidential Generation Z wants to be communicated with visually and with short, bite-sized content. 4. At the same time, understanding their sentiments and being aware of what is happening around them. For example, in 2017, 70 percent of Gen Z households had a streaming subscription, closely followed by millennial (68 percent) and Gen X (64 percent) households. At 11 years old, when I got my first phone, I had no idea how to use Instagram, Snapchat and especially not Facebook, which I still don’t know how to use, even today! Gen Z spends up to nine hours a day engaged with digital media. Breaking down younger Gen Z demographics, 68% of American 13-14-year-olds own a smartphone and 76% of 15-17-year-olds own a smartphone. It's time to roll the dice on dice-stacking. When it comes to learning about new products in the market, Gen Z places weight on the opinions of influencers, as evidenced by their consumption of how-to videos on YouTube -- … With digital content consumption doubling since the pandemic began, the growth of social, e-commerce, and search ad spend are likely to continue. Post - VFX, 3D and Animation; Interactive Digital Media Fund. The survey of nearly 3,500 Gen-Z consumers said the monthly purchasing power of China’s Gen Z stands at $507 (RMB 3,501). If these trajectories are any indication, advertising budgets will only be getting more digital. This is a generation that knows how to search and find exactly what they want, so when expectations aren’tmet, don’texpect them to As access becomes the new form of consumption, unlimited access to goods and services (such as car-riding services, video streaming, and subscriptions) creates value. In the US, Gen Z constitutes more than a quarter of the population and by 2020 will be the most diverse generation in the nation’s history2. Adjust advertising models to match the content consumption platforms that Gen Z uses most, such as YouTube. Unless the brand has a loyal fan base who will religiously consume your content irrespective of the length, ‘Snackable content’ is the king. Some 77 million members of Generation Z, also known as centennials, have been born since 1997 – making them as large a cohort as the millennials. One can never really predict what the next episode will be or what the next video on TikTok would be. Young consumers’ content consumption has been reshaped by quarantines, and our research hints at what their media behavior will look like now… When quarantines began, we saw Gen Z and Millennials’ media use impacted immediately, with … 3. Since this generation has access to many tools and mediums to create content on their own, they are content creators and also to a certain extent they are able to critique in a fairly balanced manner. The necessity for television broadcasters to become ‘interactive’ can be most acutely observed in the reality TV genre. But Generation Z is taking this a step further: it’s not a move to mobile, everything is already mobile. Many in fact refer to Gen-Z as the ‘’omnichannel generation’’, stressing the fact that publishers should consider using a combination of print and digital marketing approaches to successfully monetize this audience. Gen Z are one of the first generations born to have grown up using social media. Australian Bureau of Statistics figures released in early September showed that alcohol consumption was at its lowest for more than 50 years. Gen Z, people ages 7-22, are most likely to watch videos on social media. This is one of the important ingredients in creating content for this generation to ensure they continue to consume it over a period of time. Regarding video content, Gen Z’s use over-the-top (OTT) services that are not tied to a cable or satellite service, more than TV and other channels. 90% of Gen Z are willing to pay for content they desire, according to a report by VICE Media and Ontario Creates, a Canadian provincial agency.. They … Adjust advertising models to match the content consumption platforms that Gen Z uses most, such as YouTube. Media Consumption. How Generation Z is reshaping the coworking culture, Here is why content without context is useless, Search for what you want, categories, tags, keywords, authors, events, anything under YourStory, [Product Roadmap] Started with 100 loans a month, how StashFin grew to process 150 loans an hour, [Startup Bharat] How these entrepreneurs left their cushiony lives in the US to craft a successful Indian beer brand, Logistics startup Shadowfax rolls out $5M ESOP buyback plan, appoints new co-founders, Akshay Kumar, Rana Daggubati team up to launch online influencer led marketplace Socialswag, Indian ecommerce's triumph over COVID-19; Top fintech apps of 2020, India's smartphone insurance market to reach $500M by 2025: RedSeer, Govt announces major schemes: PM-WANI, data centres, Atmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana, data connectivity, India drops to 9th spot in global spam call tally, Gujarat gets max calls: Truecaller, [Funding alert] OnePlus Co-founder Carl Pei raises $7M for new venture, Nine states implement 'One Nation One Ration Card' system: FinMin, [Funding alert] Customer service platform Richpanel raises investment from Sequoia’s Surge. The two most popular platforms are Instagram and YouTube. 5. Yet, among those who do drink coffee, 70% of past-day coffee consumed was gourmet versus 30% non-gourmet. For further insights into Gen Z and content control, see “ Gen Z Study Reveals Three Trends That Will Redefine Tomorrow’s Digital Lifestyle. - All Rights Reserved. 7 As a result, many M&E providers are struggling to segment media consumption … Born between the years of 1998 and 2016, the Gen Zs have witnessed a time when technology-advancements were supposedly at its peak. They want to explore and engage with a wide variety of different voices and viewpoints, and desire much more diversity in the stories and people they see. Generation Z grew up with smartphones, and it is estimated that 98% of Generation Z owns a smartphone compared to 96% in 2016. Generation Z refers to those individuals who were born in the decade following the widespread emergence of the World Wide Web, from the mid-1990’s to the early 2000’s. Also known as the post-millennial generation, Gen Z (born between 1995 and 2012) is the generation that used internet from a very young age. “[They’ve] grown up with more access to information from more sources than ever before. Core Values Gen Z will prioritize financial security over “personal fulfillment”. 3. 3. 6 insights to help you understand the Gen Z drinker. Gen Zers watch at a similar rate as Millennials, with 77% of Gen Z video game players tuning in to GVC. Aged 17, I find it normal to have used technology from a mobile device increasingly older., below: episode 1: Where the next Generation consumes content Generation consumes content will! Zers surveyed by Ipsos and Google chose YouTube as their number-one way to cheer up relax! Media then provide brands invaluable insight into the workforce on a Generation that given! Videos are watched on smartphones taking this a step further: it ’ s case the! To consume something that they can all relate to for Gen Z—and for. 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