Starlight by Stenting Technique under Different Concentrations of IBA in Various Times of Taking Cutting Ficus benjamina L. is indoor plant in temperate areas that is a tree species belongs to Moraceae family. Avec la multiplication par boutures, vous préserverez les caractéristiques de la plante mère. Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) is one of the most common houseplant trees sold in nurseries and garden centers. Ficus Benjamina or as it's more commonly known, the Weeping Fig, is a common indoor houseplant which comes in multiple different looks and styles. Fertilize monthly with an all purpose liquid fertilizer, or use a time-release fertilizer every four to six months. Fill a small planting pot with coarse sand or orchid bark. Stem cuttings will grow readily in water and you can watch the roots grow, so you’ll know exactly when they are ready to pot up into their own pots. It provides a fun way to share your plant with others, expand your collection, or grow a new healthy plant from one that is looking a little worse for wear. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other Amazon stores worldwide. Propagation of Ficus benjamina var. What you’re looking for is a stem approximately a quarter inch in diameter with many healthy leaves. and how difficult is it? Weeping fig, Ficus benjamina, is one of the most elegant indoor plants.Its graceful weeping branches bear glossy dark green or variegated leaves. Higher humidity is also preferred for newly propagated plants, as this will reduce the risk of wilting. Propagation of ficus benjamina and bougainvillea spectabilis using different media Okunlola, A. Ibironke. Ficus benjamina, or weeping fig, is a popular houseplant due to its easy care, graceful, drooping limbs and shiny, dark-green leaves. It is native to warmer climates like India Re-pot the plant in a larger container after eight weeks, using one part perlite to two parts potting soil. A semi-hardwood cutting is one that is not green and has developed bark. Jun 10, 2018 - How to Grow a Ficus Benjamina. If you have a weeping fig, you'll want to share it, and luckily, it is easily propagated from cuttings. If the leaves start looking bleached the tree is getting too much. Check the cutting every 1-2 days and lightly water the soil to ensure it stays consistently moist, without getting too soggy. This document is … Dans les maisons des Italiens, on cultive le ficus benjamina à feuille panachée ou simple feuille, il s'agit de la même espèce. If Ficus benjamina loses its leaves due to waterlogging or over-fertilization, rescue attempts may come to nothing. Cut just below a node on the stem with a sharp and sterile pair of pruners. This method removes the need to pot the plant later on, and successful cuttings tend to establish quicker than when propagating in water. Continue to water regularly and provide good care conditions. Weeping Fig propagation in water or soil is so easy that you should give it a go the next time yours needs a little pruning. Mary Francis is a horticulturist and expert garden writer with more than 15 years experience in the field. Propagating a new Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina) is not a daunting task once you become familiar with the process. Ficus benjamina, or weeping fig, is a popular houseplant due to its easy care, graceful, drooping limbs and shiny, dark-green leaves. Weeping Figs are resilient plants, often praised for their tolerance of poor growing conditions. Air layering is a less well known form of propagation, yet it is simple and accessible to even the most novice of gardeners. Water the mixture until moderately moist all the way through. This is, however, a very different story from when it is planted outdoors. A cutting of about 4-6 inches in length is perfect. After about 3-4 weeks, the layered branch will be sprouting roots. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, Ficus Benjamini image by Westa Zikas from, Clemson University Cooperative Extension: Weeping Fig. Find a suitable branch on the parent plant. Learn why ficus loses leaves and other care questions. Yogurt cups and small styrofoam cups with holes punched in the bottom make the perfect size containers for rooting weeping fig cuttings. Further open the cut by bending the stem slightly, being careful not to weaken the stem too drastically. Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) 2. mine is very healthy & happy: i moved it to my office to add a little life to the space when i started a new job last summer, and it loves it here SO much that i can't even consider moving it back home now, and i'd really love another one there. Firstly, on the parent plant, select the stem you wish to take a cutting from. Knowing the proper technique for taking and caring for your cuttings can mean the difference between failed propagation and a healthy, thriving plant. Contents About Ficus Trees and the Most Popular Types 1. Due to the ready availability of most ficus and the temperamental nature of … Weeping Fig Propagation Guide (Ficus Benjamina), How Often To Water Cactus (9 Essential Tips). If you have grown multiple cuttings in the same pot, you should aim to repot into separate pots after approximately 4-6 weeks. Water propagation is typically a little slower than planting your cuttings directly in soil, but is so easy, and is a great way of using the cuttings after pruning. The Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina) is an elegant houseplant that is popular for its beautiful foliage and generally simple care requirements. Pack the cut with moistened sphagnum moss or peat so that the cut site is completely covered. Protect the stem from dehydration by keeping the branch out of direct sunlight. Measure 12 inches from the tip of the stem to identify the site for the incision. When the cutting’s roots have grown around 4 inches, move the plant from the jar to a planter filled with fresh soil. Grafting can also provide resistance to nematodes and offer other support (2). You want to change the water every 4-5 days, making sure to be really careful when the roots start coming out to not hurt them. According to Texas A&M University's Agricultural Extension Service, the ideal temperature for a ficus tree cutting to grow roots is 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. All Rights Reserved. Weeping Fig propagation is a great way to multiply your collection or take cuttings from a sickly plant and is thankfully very simple to do. Avoid wiping the hormone off the cutting--don't move it up and down. It’s essential to watch the cuttings closely as they develop, particularly during the early stages of their growth. Shorter cuttings may not be sufficiently hardened and longer cuttings may be too woody to root easily. Place the cutting in a warm area, without cooling drafts. Using a clean utility knife, cut a third of the way through the stem. Mar 6, 2017 - Ficus tree care tips. Use a pencil or other pointed object to create a 2-inch planting hole in the soil. You can use cuttings of about four inches length for this. Make the cut just below a node, which is where a leaf grows out from the sprig. Growing cuttings in water is the easiest method of Weeping Fig propagation. As an indoor plant, ficus thrives on bright but indirect sunlight where it has room to grow and gets regular watering and misting. New plant owners are often distressed when their Weeping Fig loses its leaves after being moved. 1. Place the cutting into the hole in the soil, and tamp around it lightly to set it in place. Place it in a bright area where your Weeping Fig will receive indirect sunlight. You will need to take extra care with watering, as it will be less able to cope with either overwatering or underwatering. Air layering is a fascinating process and so rewarding and fun. Be very careful with the sap that comes from the ficus. If mold develops on the soil surface or on the leaves, reduce humidity by leaving the pot uncovered intermittently. Enjoy your stay at Smart Garden Guide. Wrap the moss with a layer of clear plastic, and secure the plastic with electrical tape on both ends and along the seam. The remedy is to ensure that all equipment is thoroughly cleaned prior to cutting and make sure the water is as sterile as possible. La coupe est la meilleure technique de propagation du ficus benjamin. The roots seek water and can invade and destroy these structures. Clean the pruning shears and potting surface with a solution of one part household bleach to 10 parts water. Other varieties include India rubber trees … Following the same procedure laid out in water propagation, take a cutting of around four to six inches from the parent plant, making sure it has the right amount of leaves to grow in the early stages. Ficus benjamina is an evergreen tree with a dense, wide crown; it can grow 15 - 30 metres tall. can i propagate ficus benjamina? In specific conditions, a plant that’s wounded will begin rooting, becoming one plant with two root systems. Water the plant regularly and ensure the plastic-covered moss remains moist at all times. Native to tropical and subtropical regions of Southeast Asia and Australia, Ficus Benjamina can reach up to 60 feet outdoors, but indoors they’re usually pruned to 3-6 feet. Consider covering the pot with plastic to raise humidity and prevent wilting. Pot the stem in a container of moist potting mix. Ficus benjamina at the UH Manoa Campus Photo by Matthew Gaston Botanical Descriptions Figs: 0.25"-0.75", ripens from green to yellow. Place the potted cutting into a spot with indirect or filtered sunlight, and water every other day for two weeks. Where it is of great benefit is in being able to propagate larger cuttings, leading to larger plants in less time. Mix peat moss and perlite in equal amounts to make enough soil to fill all your containers. When grown indoors the Ficus benjamina tends to grow very slowly. Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management, the Federal University of Technology P.M.B 704 In this video I will explain how to take Ficus Benjamina cuttings. sessile, in pairs. With degrees in both horticulture and business management, she has owned her own greenhouse business, an office organization business and now works full-time as a professional writer. Always remember to select healthy mother plants.Also you can buy saplings. Water and soil propagation have a higher success rate than air layering. Surprisingly, air layering often occurs naturally. The leaves are much smaller, more oblong, and the branches tend to be longer and more slender. Ficus benjamina, or weeping fig, is a popular houseplant due to its easy care, graceful, drooping limbs and shiny, dark-green leaves. Ideally, you should choose a stem that needs to be pruned already. Cuttings root readily and grow quickly, producing an abundance of plants to share with your gardening friends. This is a common issue for most plants but is accelerated by water propagation process as water provides an ideal environment for these pathogens to thrive. Weeping fig thrives in low light and only needs minimal fertilization. Hi, I’m Andrew, and Smart Garden Guide is my website all about indoor gardening and houseplants. This limits the chance of passing harmful bacteria onto the cutting in the process, ensuring it has the best chance of thriving. Grow under glass in loam-based compost in full or filtered light Propagation Propagate by seed, leaf-bud or semi-hardwood cuttings They will silently grow without any bother, and will look great doing so throughout the year. This is a sufficient amount of hormone to encourage rooting. Cultivation Grow outdoors in humus-rich moist but well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade with protection from wind in a frost-free area. Dip cuttings into the rooting hormone to a depth of 1 inch, and tap the cutting on the side of the container to remove the excess. It’s ideal for growing in a well-lit room or conservatory. See a picture, read about water, fertilizer, light, propagation, pests, diseases. Ficus carica can also be propagated using tissue culture, air-layering, ground-layering, or softwood cuttings under mist (2, 3, 4). Be sure the top inch of soil is dry before watering. Table Of Contents Ficus benjamina (Weeping fig) Planting And Care General information Location and substrate Soil For The Ficus Benjamina Watering and fertilizing Cutting and repotting Further care tips Propagation Diseases and pests Ficus benjamina (Weeping fig) Planting And Care General information The weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) is often called “Benjamini” or simply “Ficus” … An equal mix of peat, perlite, and coarse sand is my preferred potting mix for propagating Weeping Fig plants. Weeping Fig Propagation Guide (Ficus Benjamina) The Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina) is an elegant houseplant that is popular for its beautiful foliage and generally simple care requirements. Find a location for your cutting where it will receive bright, indirect sunlight, warm temperatures, and high humidity. Tending for a newly propagated plant is a little more difficult than looking after a mature plant, so relate it to caring for a baby. Place the cutting in a glass jar full of water, putting it in a warm, bright location that receives indirect sunlight. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! A node is a key segment of a branch that contains the right genetic coding to grow a new root system. The bole can be 30 - 60cm in diameter The bole can be 30 - 60cm in diameter[ 266 If you have a weeping fig, you'll want to share it, and luckily, it is easily propagated from cuttings. If you’d like to learn more about propagating houseplants, you can read my complete guide to houseplant propagation. if so, how? Maintain high humidity and provide otherwise good general care of your plant. Another way to grow a new Weeping Fig from a cutting is through planting it directly in the soil. Origins Ficus is a pantropical genus consisting of over 800 species, first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Ficus benjamina don't want too much direct sun, but some isn't bad. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. New growth after: the green leaved forms need 3 to 6 weeks to root and the variegated cultivars 6 to 8 weeks Benjamina’s are great company as long as you don’t expect them to move around very often. A semi-hardwood cutting is one that is not green and has developed bark. It reduces the risk of the cuttings wilting, but does increase the risk of stem rot. Propagating Plants by Air Layering: Air layering is a propagation method for woody plants that allows you to root branches while still attached to the parent plant.