Unlike a bear, a cougar is probably going to high tail it when you start firing a 9mm. 2. Many cougar hunters use a .22 pistol for them. A small kid is different. If a cougar believes you to be prey it becomes an odd self-fulfilling prophecy. A startled snake could bite as a form of defense; 2. Coyotes rely on stealth and cowardice and are not known to attack full grown humans unless they are lying on the ground dying. Cougars don’t carry any diseases that are a threat to public health, but like any mammals they can contract and then transmit rabies through a bite. They chase with dogs, tree it and shoot it out of the tree. The non-profit organization Balanced Ecology Inc. launched the Texas Mountain Lion Conservation Project in 2009. In Texas, the cougar is considered as nuisance wildlife and any person holding a hunting or a trapping permit can kill a cougar regardless of the season, number killed, sex or age of the animal. Resources. They can run at 30 to 40 mph speeds, so even the fastest human runner can’t outrun a Mountain Lion. Make Eye Contact Could any human kill a cougar with his bare hands? Do not act like prey when you see a mountain lion or a cougar. This will cause the animal’s prey instinct to kick in and it will, in all likelihood, instantly go in for the kill. View Profile View Forum Posts Registered User … You want to look like a threat that’s not worth the effort in the cougar’s eyes. A full-grown cougar is capable of killing a 1,600-pound (727-kg) moose and is strong enough to carry a full-size white-tail deer up a tree with its teeth (see photo). By any measure, fatal cougar attacks on humans are extremely rare. It's the last person that cougar will ever attack. Make Yourself as Big As You Can. cougar yes 136 pounds is very big for a cougar and they normally only attack woman or children in the wild if they attack humans at all. Coexisting With Cougars [PDF] Unlike a comparably sized dog, a person cannot safely restrain an adult cougar when it really wants to go somewhere. If you encounter a cougar DO NOT RUN! However, the risk of contracting rabies from a cougar is very small; there has only been one recorded incident of an attack on a person by a rabid cougar. The man looked back — and a mountain lion pounced. While estimates vary, available information seems to suggest that there have been between 24 and 27 fatal cougar … The cat is equipped with pointy canine teeth, razor-sharp claws, and achieves a stunning leaping ability. vs someone like this so not your avg out of shape dude who are usually the ones that get attacked/mauled 03-08-2011, 06:10 PM #2. oooyeee. The reason, he says: those creatures co-evolved with humans over the past million years, ... Cougar Attacks: Encounters of the Worst Kind, published in 2001. A trail runner in Colorado was taking a jog Monday afternoon when he heard something behind him. Yell in a Deep Voice. A mountain lion, also known as puma, cougar, etc., is a relatively large cat that undoubtedly is able to kill a human being. Pythons bite first and would attack a human in two ways: 1. Throw Things at the Cougar. Instead, stay as calm as you can, stop running, and back away slowly. Maintain Eye Contact.